Terra caelum legacy Tether Timeline
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The timeline of events in the Tether story arc, from the deaths of the Skirvins to the banishment of Vapul.

  • 1921

    Birth of Vapul
    Life, Birth

    The demon Vapul was born in Evermeet Island to the tel-quessir under the name of Jassar Chillfrost, and came to be known as Jack Frost.

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  • 7961

    29 /9

    Birth of Priscilla Skirvin
    Life, Birth

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  • 7964

    3 /7

    Birth of Petro Skirvin
    Life, Birth

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  • 7966

    14 /6

    Death of Priscilla Skirvin
    Life, Death

    While Phineas was away on business, Priscilla, five at the time, was bitten by a poisonous snake while playing in the forest. The venom took hold fast; she died in the night.

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  • 7967

    13 /5

    Affair of Phineas Skirvin and Ludra Vale
    Life, Relationship change

    Phineas felt a connection to Ludra Vale. Ludra felt the same, falling in love with the older gentleman. The two spent long nights talking to each other. Ludra told Phineas her plans of attending a university for spellcraft. Phineas told Ludra of his frustrations with Marren, his regrets, and his burgeoning career in politics. The conversations turned to intimacy, and intimacy turned to lust.

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  • 7967

    12 /12

    Death of Ludra Vale
    Life, Death

    Lord Skirvin was treating donors to a dinner party in his home when Ludra returned, anxious to see her former lover. Pregnant and unemployed, she was desperate. Before she could make a scene, Skirvin intercepted her outside and tried to calm her down. Ludra threatened that she would spoil his political career if he didn't do something to help her. She grabbed at Skirvin's breast coat, tearing at the man's ascot; Oaken, defending his lord, pulled Ludra away. But Ludra slipped on the snow and hit her head against the side of the manor well. Ludra's eyes rolled back into her head and she started to convulse.   Panicking, Skirvin backed away. "No worries, m'lord," Oaken assured his shocked master. "I'll take care of this. Please, return to the festivities." Skirvin stumbled away while Oaken handled Ludra—he pulled open the seal to the well and dragged her inside. One hundred feet Ludra Vale fell, down into the frigid water below. Oaken sealed the well.

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  • 7968

    16 /11

    Esme and the Water Fairy
    Life, Supernatural

    Since her brutal murder, Ludra Vale's body lay at the bottom of the sealed well. Restless and angry, her soul was easy to wake.   As the snow started to fall that year, Esme Skirvin was often seen playing near the sealed well. She spoke to the well, almost as if she had an imaginary friend there. When the servants or her family would ask who she was talking to, she replied, "Oh, just my friend, Elle. She's a water fairy." Then, one day, while she and Petro were playing, Esme slipped and tumbled into the open well, hitting the cold water far below. Immediately, the servants acted, calling for help.   Lord Phineas himself descended into the well, rescuing his daughter. Before the servants pulled him and Esme up, Phineas thought he saw something dark and angry in the water—the ghostly face of Ludra. Despite the tumble, Esme was uninjured. The girl was put into her room to rest while a local priest looked over her. Of course, Esme wasn't pulled out of the well alone. Ludra's ghost touched the young Skirvin, possessing her. Oaken sensed trouble immediately. After all, wasn't the well sealed?

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  • 7969

    12 /2

    Deaths in the Skirvin Family
    Life, Death

    Marren Skirvin was the first person Esme/Ludra killed. She slashed her mother's wrists as she bathed, then framed it as suicide. Phineas shrieked in agony as he held his dead wife in his arms. Esme watched in silence.   Next, Petro fell, tumbling over the balustrade railing onto the foyer below. The poor boy broke his neck, dying instantly. "An accident", Esme told her father Oaken died next, slaughtered by Esme with a woodchopping axe. Kerrin helped hide the body. "Evil, Lord Skirvin," said the priest Skirvin had hired to watch Esme. 'It permeates the entire estate. Three accidents in as little as a week. One wonders: is there a reason an angry spirit would target your family like this?" Weeping, Phineas told the priest everything—his affair with Ludra, the murder, the cover-up, even the ghost he saw at the bottom of the well. Finally, he looked into the priest's eyes, begging, "Can you revive Marren and Petro?"   "Yes," assured the priest. "But only after I remove the curse on the manor." Of course, the priest had no intention of removing the evil. The priest's true name was Eflor Vale, wife to Istha, father to Ludra. "To perform the ritual, you will need to invite all who were here the same night the servant girl died." Phineas understood and reached out to his colleagues.

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  • 7969

    13 /2

    Slaughter at Camor
    Disaster / Destruction

    Everyone who was present the night of Ludra's murder gathered in the estate chapel. Marren and Petro's bodies lied in state at either side of the priest as he began he ceremony. Grief-stricken Phineas knelt before the priest, begging Ludra for forgiveness.   "Confess to all your sins, Lord Skirvin," the priest commanded. Phineas complied. All present heard him describe his relationship with young Ludra, her pregnancy, and subsequent murder. His colleagues lowered their heads in shame. The servants, still sick, gasped. "Forgive me, Ludra." The candles fluttered. Lightning crashed. The doors to the chapel slammed shut.   "No!" shouted Ludra through Esme. "I will never forgive you!" Just then, the servants all screamed in unison. They crumbled to the floor of the chapel and started to change.   Their hair fell out and their skin turned gray. Their eyes burned with hatred and their teeth turned to points. They became ghouls.   The night before, Ishta Vale cooked a special meal for the staff, her infamous beef stew, but this time with a secret ingredient: the remains of Oaken. The actual ritual the priest performed wasn't to exorcise Ludra's ghost but to change the cannibalistic staff into undead monstrosities. All of the attendees charged for the door, shouting for help as the ghouls approached. But the doors wouldn't budge.   Ferociously, the horrible creatures tore into Phineas Skirvin's political allies as the Lord watched. "You killed our daughter, Skirvin. And you lied to the world. And now you suffer," proclaimed Eflor the Priest as his wife, Ishta joined him. Skirvin snapped out of his shock and drew his rapier. He was able to run Eflor through before Ishta stopped him with a spell. Then, the ghouls turned to Skirvin, paralysing the Lord of the Manor with their claws. They tore at his arms. They tore at his legs. As he screamed, they started eating him.   "No," Ishta barked at the ghouls, holding the body of her dead husband. "He doesn't get to die. He gets to live. He gets to live so he can continue to witness the horrors he brought upon this home and himself."   She set the ravenous ghouls free from the chapel. The former servants descended into Camor, committing horrible genocide on the Camorians. Meanwhile, Ishta and Esme treated Skirvin's amputated limbs ensuring he didn't bleed out. They removed his tongue and burned it on an altar to Vapul.

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  • 8001


    Arvan joins the Horizon Walkers
    Life, Organisation Association

    Arvan was found and approached by the Horizon Walker enclave known as the Unchained and he soon joined them with the promise of adventure.

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  • 8001


    Arvan's departure

    Arvan left Barovia after a heated argument with Stefan over the alliance of the Vistani with Strahd Von Zarovich.

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  • 8006


    Vistani reunited
    Life, Relationship change

    Stefan finally came to his senses and found his old flame Ardan. He then began travelling with him from plane to plane, eventually becoming a warlock of Morwel. Their relationship blossomed as they travelled.

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  • 8007

    29 /11

    Marriage of Arvan and Stefan

    Arvan and Stefan legally got married, however they did not have a marital ceremony.

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  • 8007

    8 /12

    12 /12

    Arrow Diamond's investigation of Camor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Arrow Diamond began his investigation into the mystery of Camor, leading to his death in Skirvin Manor.

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  • 8007

    12 /12

    14 /12

    Tether: Mystery of Skirvin Manor

    Adventurers Arielle, Asuki and Cal'li hunted the criminal Roundabout Jen to the quiet town of Camor, only to find a secret in the manor that looms in the hills. The manor was Skirvin Manor, and due to the deadly Vapul Blizzard, they had to stay the night.

  • 8007

    12 /12 18:00

    14 /12 06:00

    Vapul Blizzard
    Geological / environmental event

    The Vapul Blizzard was a deadly blizzard that raged across the Glacies mountains in the Winter of 8007.

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