Terra caelum legacy History of Terra Caelum Timeline
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History of Terra Caelum

The extended timeline of Terra Caelum's history, including birth dates of player/playable characters

The Blue Age

From the creation of Mondum

The Blue Age was a time in the ancient history of Mondum when life on the planet resided in a single, vast ocean.   The Dawn War between the gods and the primordials raged mostly over this unfortunate planet at the time and one of the primordials, the Night Serpent, devoured one of Selene's most favoured creations, the sun. The temperatures on Mondum subsequently dropped markedly and not long afterwards, most life on the planet became extinct. Thus ended the Blue Age and the Shadow Epoch began.

  • Since the creation of Mondum until Lucifer's reign
    Blood War
    Military action

    The Blood War was an ancient conflict that raged between the fiends of the lower planes. The two main sides of the war were the demons, inhabitants of the evil plane of chaos of the Abyss, and devils, representing the equally evil but lawful realm of the Nine Hells.

    More reading
    Blood War
  • Around 50,000 years prior to the First Era
    Birth of Cthulhu
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines

Days of Thunder

Around 35,000 years prior to the Second Era.

  • Around 35,000 years prior to the Second Era
    The Great Quori War
    Military action

    The Quori are evil outsiders from the Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Forty thousand years ago they succeeded in opening up the gates between Dal Quor and Mondum and nearly overran the world. It was only through the intervention of dragons who provided arcane technologies to the frost giants that the plane of Dal Quor was shunted away from its rotation so that it could never again become coterminous with the material plane.

    Additional timelines

First Era: The Draconic Era

Before the rise of humanoid empires.

The First Era was when dragons were the dominant race on Terra Caelum. The people who lived from the First Era onward were known as the Netherese, as the dragons ruled from the Nether. The term didn't truly define itself to historians until the Dragon Cull

  • Around 9,000 years prior to the Second Era
    Creation of the Draakhorn
    Artistic creation

    The Draakhorn, an ancient relic, was crafted by the dragons about 9000 years prior to the rise of humanoid empires.

    Additional timelines
  • Pre-Second Era
    Birth of Beluar Yerentil
    Life, Birth

Second Era: Age of Humanity

0 4358

  • Circa 210
    Dwarves, Elves, and Men
    Political event

    The dwarves, elves, and humans became the three general master races of Mondum and Terra Caelum.

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  • Early 600s
    The Mysterious Box
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Pandora opened the Mysterious Box, that would eventually attract Cthulhu from his cracked shell to the known planes.

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  • Circa 790
    Rise of Yerentil
    Political event

    The Yerentil Empire took over most of the midlands of Terra Caelum at this point, due to their tactical and magical superiority.

  • 795 2E

    Ascension of Beluar Yerentil
    Political event

    Beluar Yerentil ascended to the status of High Emperor.

  • 910 2E

    Founding of Elturel

    Additional timelines
  • 912 2E

    Ascension of Jassin Yerentil
    Political event

    Jassin Yerentil ascended to the status of the second High Emperor.

  • 1372 2E

    Ascension of Lorelei Yerentil
    Political event

    Lorelei Yerentil ascended to the status of third High Emperor.

  • 1388 2E

    6002 2E

    Reign of Lucifer Morningstar
    Political event

    Lucifer Morningstar came into power of the Nine Hells for thousands of years until Asmodeus knocked him to the Abyss and took the Twisted Crown from him.

  • Late 1610s
    Shadow upon the Seas
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Cthulhu's madness began to seep into the oceans of Mondum, making it dangerous to traverse and survive. In particular, he began to cut Terra Caelum off from the rest of the world.

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  • 1679 2E

    Ascension of Peilarus Yerentil
    Political event

    Peilarus, son of Beluar, nephew of Jassin, and twin brother of Lorelei, ascended to the status of fourth High Emperor.

  • 1921 2E

    Birth of Vapul
    Life, Birth

    The demon Vapul was born in Evermeet Island to the tel-quessir under the name of Jassar Chillfrost, and came to be known as Jack Frost.

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  • 2132 2E

    Ascension of Earendil Yerentil
    Political event

    Earendil Yerentil, son of Peilarus, nephew of Lorelei, and twin brother of Earendil, ascended to the status of fifth High Emperor.

  • 2993 2E

    Ascension of Daenys Yerentil
    Political event

    Daenys Yerentil, daughter of Earendil, niece of Cystenn, and twin sister of Dalyor, ascended to the status of sixth High Emperor.

  • 3428 2E

    Ascension of Gaelira Yerentil
    Political event

    Gaelira Yerentil, daughter of Daenys, niece of Dalyor, twin sister of Gweyr, ascended to the status of seventh High Emperor.

  • 4001 2E

    Ascension of Daenys Yerentil II
    Political event

    Daenys Yerentil, daughter of Gaelira, niece of Gweyr, and twin sister of Fierna, ascended to the status of eighth High Emperor.

    More reading
    Lady Fierna
  • Circa 4215
    Elf Subraces Emerge
    Population Migration / Travel

    Elves start to evolve past their single "master race", into wood elves, drow, half-elves, halflings, orc. The Yerentil "ancient elves" begin to evict those who would condone these impurities. The Ancient Elves practice eugenics and inbreeding to keep their bloodlines pure, so these people have committed a mortal sin in their eyes.

The Third Era: The Crown Wars

4358 7000

The Crown Wars began with the rise of the Yerentil Empire, and ended with the holy ascension of Talos.

  • 4419 3E

    Ascension of Usunaar Yerentil
    Political event

    Usunaar Yerentil, son of Daenys II, nephew of Fierna, twin brother of Tiatha, ascended to the status of ninth High Emperor.

  • 5292 3E

    Ascension of Venrie Yerentil
    Political event

    Venrie Yerentil, son of Usunaar, nephew of Tiatha, and twin brother of Yaereene, ascended to the status of tenth High Emperor.

  • Sometime in the mid 5000s
    Dread Formation
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Domains of Dread formed, from the mists surrounding the Abyss, starting with the domains of Vecna and Kas the Destroyer.

    More reading
    Kas the Destroyer
    Additional timelines
  • 5689 3E

    Drakov's arrival
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Vlad Drakov and his Talons of the Hawk entered the Mists from Barovia and came out in Darkon. They immediately put the Darkonian villages of Pound, S'Realm, and Glymshire to the torch. The undead retaliated, and Vlad's mercenaries were expelled into the Mists, leaving him alone.

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  • 5702 3E

    Ascension of Feanor Yerentil
    Political event

    Feanor Yerentil, son of Venrie, nephew of Yaereen, and twin brother of Hyacinth, ascended to the status of eleventh High Emperor.

  • 6121 3E

    Ascension of Idril Yerentil I
    Political event

    Idril Yerentil, son of Feanor, nephew of Hyacinth, and twin brother of Feanor II, ascended to the status of twelfth High Emperor.

  • 6130 3E

    Founding of Obsidian City

  • 6131 3E

    21 /7

    Birth of Falmír
    Life, Birth

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  • 6201 3E

    Emergence of Kalashtar
    Population Migration / Travel

    The quori are no longer completely cut off from Mondum. Rebel groups of quori escaped Dal Quor and merged with the bodies of willing human monks in the prime material and in neighbouring planes. These quori/human mergings became a true-breeding race known as the Kalashtar.

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  • 6507 3E

    Founding of the Reynolds Kingdom

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  • 6602 3E

    Ascension of Idril Yerentil II
    Political event

    Idril Yerentil II, son of Idril I, nephew of Feanor II, and twin brother of Azari, ascended to the status of thirteenth High Emperor.   Idril II was the emperor who founded the Black Rose Clan.

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  • 6729 3E

    Birth of Defroksanz
    Life, Birth

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  • 6923 3E

    6929 3E

    Construction of Quabus
    Construction beginning/end

    Quabus took six years to fully construct and was a gift from Falmír the Emerald to the red chromatic dragons. The dungeon was taken on as Defroksanz's domain soon after.

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  • 6931 3E

    Founding of the Black Rose Clan

    Idril Yerentil II founded the Black Rose Clan to work on his own personal projects. It was rumoured that he conspired with dragons. Leadership passed to his son Cameron, then was disbanded.

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  • 6965 3E

    Ascension of Cameron Yerentil
    Political event

    Cameron Yerentil, son of Idril II, nephew of Azari, and twin brother of Celeborn, ascended to the status of thirteenth and final High Emperor.

  • 6987 3E

    14 /9

    Founding of the Order of the Gauntlet

  • 6999 3E

    6 /9
    7000 3E

    23 /1

    The Dwarven Ascension
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Talos learned how to become a God, and truly protect the dwarven people from the elves, and so he ascended to Godhood.

  • 6999 3E

    13 /12

    The Assassination of Emperor Yerentil
    Political event

    The Emperor Yerentil was assassinated on this day by his own nephew.

The Fourth Era: Nether Age

7001 7844

The Fourth Era began with the ascension of Talos to godhood, and ended with the mass extinction of dragons. Those who grew up in or lived in this and the previous eras became known as the Netherese after this era. It is known as the Nether Age as it was the era in which the Netherese culture truly defined itself.

  • 7009 4E

    Founding of the Dragon Kingdom

  • 7092 4E

    2 /9

    Amastasia's expedition

    In a failed experiment, Amastasia was separated from her team of researchers and discovered the Underdark. She conducted more experiments in the city of Aurin.

  • 7131 4E

    Black Rose Clan Disbanded

    The Black Rose Clan was disbanded for unknown reasons, only to reemerge centuries later.

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  • 7222 4E

    Urik's takeover of Darkon
    Military action

    Urik von Kharkov teamed up with the quori to take over the realm of Darkon, forcing Hecate to abandon her job as the goddess of the sun and spend her time binding Urik to the city of Necropolis.

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  • 7277 4E

    18 /1

    Founding of Frost Bay

    Frost Bay
  • 7502 4E

    29 /11

    Formation of the Archmage Council
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 7545 4E

    7550 4E

    12 /10

    Construction of the Arcane Academy
    Construction beginning/end

  • 7654 4E

    Birth of Laeral Silverhand
    Life, Birth

  • 7700 4E

    Barovian High Council Disbanded

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  • 7708 4E

    Birth of Morgran Dorgran
    Life, Birth

  • 7800 4E

    Founding of New Transylvania

  • 7808 4E

    Birth of Meredith Greytower
    Life, Birth

  • 7822 4E

    2 /8

    Birth of Kram Silverdeep
    Life, Birth

  • 7822 4E

    14 /10

    DN Chapter 1; Keening
  • 7830 4E

    Formation of the Circle of the Cross
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 7833 4E

    Fall of Elturel
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 7840 4E

    7844 4E

    1 /9

    The Dragon Cull

    King Leviticus Draco and his inquisition sought out and killed every last dragon in Terra Caelum.

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  • 7842 4E

    Death of Defroksanz
    Life, Death

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  • 7844 4E

    6 /5

    Founding of the Order of St. Augustus

    Clarisa Sunhaven founds the Order of St. Augustus.

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  • 7844 4E

    18 /12

    Dragon Smugglers

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The Fifth Era

7844 and beyond

The Fifth Era began shortly after the Dragon Cull led by King Draco.

  • 7844 5E

    6 /5

    Founding of the Order of St. Augustus

    Clarisa Sunhaven founds the Order of St. Augustus.

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  • 7844 5E

    18 /12

    Dragon Smugglers

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  • 7851 5E

    Birth of Karliah Silverdeep
    Life, Birth

  • 7859 5E

    Founding of Breantis

    The halfling kingdom, Breantis, is founded.

  • 7861 5E

    23 /11

    Founding of the Black Glaives

    Salvadore Krauss and his wife Ameria founded the Black Glaives hoping to overthrow King Draco.

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  • 7863 5E

    27 /10

    Massacre of the Black Glaives

    The Krauss' and their Black Glaives attempt to overthrow King Draco, but they fail, leaving every last Glaive soldier to die. However, the Black Glaives managed to capture several townships in the East. Salvadore Krauss then became a twisted individual known as the Broken King. The Broken King ruled over these towns with an iron fist.

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  • 7864 5E

    22 /9

    Death of Salvadore and Ameria Krauss
    Life, Death

    Salvadore perished and his wife disappeared the same day. Salvadore was buried in the Basalt Tomb in his hometown of Vorana.

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  • 7876 5E

    7976 5E

    Trance of the Dryads
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The remaining test subjects in the second layer in Quabus fell into a hundred-year trance in the overgrown pool, and thanks to transmutation magic, became dryads.

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  • 7879 5E

    Birth of Lancaster Greytower
    Life, Birth

  • 7898 5E

    Birth of Ulfric Blackhand
    Life, Birth

  • 7923 5E

    6 /12

    Death of Clarisa Sunhaven
    Life, Death

    Clarisa Sunhaven attempted to enter the Tomb of the Broken King with her followers of the Order of St. Augustus. She was trapped within the tomb and perished, her followers being buried by the Broken King within the tomb as well.

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  • 7929 5E

    9 /9

    Birth of Arthaghast Ulbrinter
    Life, Birth

  • 7932 5E

    18 /8

    Birth of Remallia Haventree
    Life, Birth

  • 7940 5E

    8 /11

    Birth of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun
    Life, Birth

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  • 7955 5E

    Birth of Caladorn Cassalanter
    Life, Birth

  • 7961 5E

    16 /2

    Birth of Arilyn Moonblade
    Life, Birth

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  • 7961 5E

    29 /9

    Birth of Priscilla Skirvin
    Life, Birth

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  • 7962 5E

    Founding of Bronzemere

  • 7962 5E

    Construction of Hearthand State Asylum
    Construction beginning/end

  • 7962 5E

    12 /5

    Birth of Maccath
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Maccath the Crimson
  • 7963 5E

    13 /11

    Birth of Kreewin Moonflower
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 7964 5E

    3 /7

    Birth of Petro Skirvin
    Life, Birth

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  • 7964 5E

    17 /10

    Birth of Wynna
    Life, Birth

    Frost Bay
    More reading
    Wynna the Black
  • 7965 5E

    Battle for Endless Night
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    *future one-shot

  • 7966 5E

    14 /6

    Death of Priscilla Skirvin
    Life, Death

    While Phineas was away on business, Priscilla, five at the time, was bitten by a poisonous snake while playing in the forest. The venom took hold fast; she died in the night.

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  • 7967 5E

    13 /5

    Affair of Phineas Skirvin and Ludra Vale
    Life, Relationship change

    Phineas felt a connection to Ludra Vale. Ludra felt the same, falling in love with the older gentleman. The two spent long nights talking to each other. Ludra told Phineas her plans of attending a university for spellcraft. Phineas told Ludra of his frustrations with Marren, his regrets, and his burgeoning career in politics. The conversations turned to intimacy, and intimacy turned to lust.

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  • 7967 5E

    12 /12

    Death of Ludra Vale
    Life, Death

    Lord Skirvin was treating donors to a dinner party in his home when Ludra returned, anxious to see her former lover. Pregnant and unemployed, she was desperate. Before she could make a scene, Skirvin intercepted her outside and tried to calm her down. Ludra threatened that she would spoil his political career if he didn't do something to help her. She grabbed at Skirvin's breast coat, tearing at the man's ascot; Oaken, defending his lord, pulled Ludra away. But Ludra slipped on the snow and hit her head against the side of the manor well. Ludra's eyes rolled back into her head and she started to convulse.   Panicking, Skirvin backed away. "No worries, m'lord," Oaken assured his shocked master. "I'll take care of this. Please, return to the festivities." Skirvin stumbled away while Oaken handled Ludra—he pulled open the seal to the well and dragged her inside. One hundred feet Ludra Vale fell, down into the frigid water below. Oaken sealed the well.

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  • 7968 5E

    16 /11

    Esme and the Water Fairy
    Life, Supernatural

    Since her brutal murder, Ludra Vale's body lay at the bottom of the sealed well. Restless and angry, her soul was easy to wake.   As the snow started to fall that year, Esme Skirvin was often seen playing near the sealed well. She spoke to the well, almost as if she had an imaginary friend there. When the servants or her family would ask who she was talking to, she replied, "Oh, just my friend, Elle. She's a water fairy." Then, one day, while she and Petro were playing, Esme slipped and tumbled into the open well, hitting the cold water far below. Immediately, the servants acted, calling for help.   Lord Phineas himself descended into the well, rescuing his daughter. Before the servants pulled him and Esme up, Phineas thought he saw something dark and angry in the water—the ghostly face of Ludra. Despite the tumble, Esme was uninjured. The girl was put into her room to rest while a local priest looked over her. Of course, Esme wasn't pulled out of the well alone. Ludra's ghost touched the young Skirvin, possessing her. Oaken sensed trouble immediately. After all, wasn't the well sealed?

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  • 7969 5E

    12 /2

    Deaths in the Skirvin Family
    Life, Death

    Marren Skirvin was the first person Esme/Ludra killed. She slashed her mother's wrists as she bathed, then framed it as suicide. Phineas shrieked in agony as he held his dead wife in his arms. Esme watched in silence.   Next, Petro fell, tumbling over the balustrade railing onto the foyer below. The poor boy broke his neck, dying instantly. "An accident", Esme told her father Oaken died next, slaughtered by Esme with a woodchopping axe. Kerrin helped hide the body. "Evil, Lord Skirvin," said the priest Skirvin had hired to watch Esme. 'It permeates the entire estate. Three accidents in as little as a week. One wonders: is there a reason an angry spirit would target your family like this?" Weeping, Phineas told the priest everything—his affair with Ludra, the murder, the cover-up, even the ghost he saw at the bottom of the well. Finally, he looked into the priest's eyes, begging, "Can you revive Marren and Petro?"   "Yes," assured the priest. "But only after I remove the curse on the manor." Of course, the priest had no intention of removing the evil. The priest's true name was Eflor Vale, wife to Istha, father to Ludra. "To perform the ritual, you will need to invite all who were here the same night the servant girl died." Phineas understood and reached out to his colleagues.

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  • 7969 5E

    13 /2

    Slaughter at Camor
    Disaster / Destruction

    Everyone who was present the night of Ludra's murder gathered in the estate chapel. Marren and Petro's bodies lied in state at either side of the priest as he began he ceremony. Grief-stricken Phineas knelt before the priest, begging Ludra for forgiveness.   "Confess to all your sins, Lord Skirvin," the priest commanded. Phineas complied. All present heard him describe his relationship with young Ludra, her pregnancy, and subsequent murder. His colleagues lowered their heads in shame. The servants, still sick, gasped. "Forgive me, Ludra." The candles fluttered. Lightning crashed. The doors to the chapel slammed shut.   "No!" shouted Ludra through Esme. "I will never forgive you!" Just then, the servants all screamed in unison. They crumbled to the floor of the chapel and started to change.   Their hair fell out and their skin turned gray. Their eyes burned with hatred and their teeth turned to points. They became ghouls.   The night before, Ishta Vale cooked a special meal for the staff, her infamous beef stew, but this time with a secret ingredient: the remains of Oaken. The actual ritual the priest performed wasn't to exorcise Ludra's ghost but to change the cannibalistic staff into undead monstrosities. All of the attendees charged for the door, shouting for help as the ghouls approached. But the doors wouldn't budge.   Ferociously, the horrible creatures tore into Phineas Skirvin's political allies as the Lord watched. "You killed our daughter, Skirvin. And you lied to the world. And now you suffer," proclaimed Eflor the Priest as his wife, Ishta joined him. Skirvin snapped out of his shock and drew his rapier. He was able to run Eflor through before Ishta stopped him with a spell. Then, the ghouls turned to Skirvin, paralysing the Lord of the Manor with their claws. They tore at his arms. They tore at his legs. As he screamed, they started eating him.   "No," Ishta barked at the ghouls, holding the body of her dead husband. "He doesn't get to die. He gets to live. He gets to live so he can continue to witness the horrors he brought upon this home and himself."   She set the ravenous ghouls free from the chapel. The former servants descended into Camor, committing horrible genocide on the Camorians. Meanwhile, Ishta and Esme treated Skirvin's amputated limbs ensuring he didn't bleed out. They removed his tongue and burned it on an altar to Vapul.

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  • 7971 5E

    The Bronzemere Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Gorgoth Clan brutally takes over the city of Bronzemere.

  • 7973 5E

    14 /2

    Birth of Helen Hellen
    Life, Birth

  • 7975 5E

    22 /8

    Birth of Hemmel Hesterbyrne
    Life, Birth

  • 7976 5E

    Birth of Belurth
    Life, Birth
    More reading
  • 7976 5E

    Birth of Victoro Cassalanter
    Life, Birth

  • 7976 5E

    18 /6

    Reformation of the Black Rose Clan
    Gathering / Conference

    The Black Rose Clan somehow resurfaced around this time, and became a criminal organisation to carry out jobs under the radar of the kingdoms of Terra Caelum

    More reading
    Black Rose Clan
    Additional timelines
  • 7976 5E


    Birth of Gruin Lothwood
    Life, Birth

  • Circa 7976
    Discovery of Quabus
    Discovery, Exploration

    A dangerous half-elf priest named Skuvan the Firesoul discovered the ruins of a dungeon that belonged to (who he believed to be) his great grandfather Defroksanz. Skuvan believed that Quabus was his birthright. With the help of allies throughout the west of Terra Caelum, he intended to revive the dragon dungeon and use it as a base of operations.

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  • 7977 5E

    1 /11
    7977 5E

    23 /12

    Construction of Blire Manor
    Construction beginning/end

    Skuvan employed the Black Rose Clan to hide the entrance to the dungeon. By extorting the local Prince Dunkirk Blire-Tomydon and his mother Haretha Blire, a hag named Vera Frogwort who worked for the Black Rose had a manor built over the entrance to the dungeon.

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  • 7978 5E

    Birth of Cain
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 7978 5E

    Birth of Enel
    Life, Birth

  • 7978 5E

    Birth of Sbeve
    Life, Birth

  • 7981 5E

    Birth of Elizabetha DeMontajay
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 7981 5E

    4 /12

    Birth of Danilo Thann
    Life, Birth

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  • 7982 5E

    Birth of Calder
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 7983 5E

    1 /9

    Birth of Nicolai Von Stein
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 7985 5E

    29 /12

    Birth of Cristoph and Grave Swanson
    Life, Birth

    Ace Ventura Farm
    More reading
  • 7986 5E

    1 /11

    Birth of Desdemona Van Helsing
    Life, Birth

    More reading
    Van Helsing
  • 7988 5E

    23 /2

    Birth of Avi
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 7988 5E

    17 /3

    Death of Dunkirk Blire
    Life, Death

    Additional timelines
  • 7988 5E

    14 /12

    Birth of Judith Thann
    Life, Birth

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  • 7989 5E

    11 /10

    Construction of the Institute of the Arcane
    Construction beginning/end

    The Institute of the Arcane was constructed south east of the Yerentil capital city.

  • 7990 5E

    Death of Haretha Blire
    Life, Death

    Additional timelines
  • 7990 5E

    1 /6

    Birth of Serenore Ulbrinter
    Life, Birth

  • 7990 5E

    31 /10

    Assassination of the Van Helsings and raid of Shepardstown
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 7991 5E


    First Automatons
    Technological achievement

    Invention wizards, with the financial support of the Black Rose Clan, began to develop the first automatons. Automatons were the predecessors to the Warforged race, and they had less consciousness or autonomy. In return, the Black Rose Clan extorted advanced technology from the wizards.

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  • 7992 5E

    19 /1

    Birth of Arthius Ulbrinter
    Life, Birth

  • 7992 5E

    3 /4

    Birth of Embric
    Life, Birth

    More reading
  • 7993 5E

    Eternal Winter
    Military action

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  • 7993 5E

    22 /11

    Project Leviathan
    Scientific achievement

  • 7995 5E

    8002 5E

    Satyr-Siren War
    Military action

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  • 7998 5E

    Dani joins the Moonlight Brigade
    Life, Organisation Association

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  • 7999 5E

    8001 5E

    21 /5 12:00

    The Summer War
    Military action

    The Dragon King is finally opposed by western forces, and is taken down, his entire kingdom crumbling.

  • 8000 5E

    2 /14

    Wedding of Maccath and Wynna

  • 8001 5E

    Introduction of the Independence System
    Political event

    Terra Caelum is split up into small, independent regions, rather than being ruled by separate monarchies. However, this will prove to be troublesome as kingdoms will swallow up these small regions anyway.

  • 8001 5E


    Arvan joins the Horizon Walkers
    Life, Organisation Association

    Arvan was found and approached by the Horizon Walker enclave known as the Unchained and he soon joined them with the promise of adventure.

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  • 8001 5E


    Arvan's departure

    Arvan left Barovia after a heated argument with Stefan over the alliance of the Vistani with Strahd Von Zarovich.

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  • 8001 5E

    21 /10

    VIG Chapter 1; Castle in the Clouds

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  • 8001 5E

    11 /12
    8002 5E

    1 /2

    VIG Chapter 2; Flight of the Cassiopeia

    Additional timelines
  • 8001 5E

    11 /12
    8001 5E

    13 /12

    FTT Chapter 1; Like The Plague

    Additional timelines
  • 8001 5E

    13 /12

    The Breantis Incident
    Disaster / Destruction

    Half of Breantis set aflame and torn down by a mysterious force.

  • 8001 5E

    16 /12

    FTT Interlude I; Tattoos and Tribulations

    Additional timelines
  • 8001 5E

    18 /12

    FTT Chapter 2; Funland

    Additional timelines
  • 8001 5E

    25 /12

    FTT Interlude II; A Candlenights Miracle

    Additional timelines
  • 8001 5E

    26 /12

    VIG Interlude II; The Gronch Stole Candlenights?!

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    9 /1
    8002 5E

    11 /1

    FTT Chapter 3; Into the Shadows

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    9 /2

    FTT Interlude III; Heroes of the People

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    11 /2

    Grimhallow Crypt
    Plague / Epidemic

    Zombies started rising from around the Grimhallow Crypt outside of Autumnhand... the crypt, disturbed by grave diggers, would not allow the undead Lord Grimhallow to rest until a group of adventurers put him down.

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    12 /2

    The Stonewall Empire and Obscurus' Looming Shadow
    Life, Organisation Association

    Jason Stonewall is used as a puppet to amass a cult following for the god Obscurus.

  • 8002 5E

    13 /2
    8002 5E

    14 /2

    FTT Chapter 4; Forbidden and Forgotten

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    15 /2 11:00

    FTT Interlude IV; A Monster in a Cave

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    15 /2 12:00

    FTT Chapter 5; For The Throne

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    2 /3
    8003 5E


    Automaton Projects
    Technological achievement

    Automatons are invented by Doctor Owens, to run on arcane power, such as soul stones or arcane batteries. The projects lead to the birth of PROJECT WARFORGE, Project Gemini being an offshoot of that.

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    19 /3

    Eclipse at Von Maus
    Geological / environmental event

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    2 /4

    TKAG Chapter 1; X Marks The Spot

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    4 /4

    TKAG Interlude V; The Sea Queen and the Raven Queen

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    10 /4

    TKAG Chapter 2; Paladin on Parole

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    11 /4

    VIG Interlude I; The Thorned Heart

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    15 /4

    TKAG Interlude VI; Welcome to Tinkertown

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    17 /4

    VIG Chapter 3; Praise Resdis

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    17 /4
    8002 5E

    20 /4

    TKAG Chapter 3; Trials of the Nine

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    21 /4

    TKAG Chapter 4; The Twisted Crown

    The Nine Hells
    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    22 /4

    Lilith's Reign
    Political event

    Lilith came into power after Lizzy's party dethroned Asmodeus and gave her the Twisted Crown.

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    22 /4 23:00

    The Black Summit
    Gathering / Conference

  • 8002 5E

    22 /4 24:00

    TKAG Chapter 3; To Kill a God

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    23 /4 14:00

    Battle of the Azure Burrow
    Military action

  • 8002 5E

    23 /4 15:00
    8002 5E

    25 /6 21:00

    The War of Hope and Despair
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    15 /6
    8002 5E

    29 /6

    The Collision
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Planes of existence come crashing together in an event that will change Terra Caelum forever.

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    30 /6

    Creation of the Ashlands
    Geological / environmental event

    The Collision saw meteors shooting from portals to the Nine Hells, that decimated a lot of land north of the Shadow Vale. Now, it just lies in ash.

  • 8002 5E

    30 /6
    8002 5E

    7 /6

    The First Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    To deal with the immediate effects of the Collision, an annual festival known as the Festival of New Dawn is set up and hosted in the Reynolds Kingdom.

  • 8002 5E

    30 /6

    Return of Dragons
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 8002 5E

    11 /12 12:00

    Harper Reformation
    Political event

    The Moonlight Brigade and the Indigo Order coalesce into the Harpers faction, a faction concerned with the gathering of knowledge, protection of arts and culture, and watch upon the borders of the Alliance Holds.

    Additional timelines
  • 8002 5E

    26 /12

    Candlenights Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    First steps are taken to bring the kingdoms into the Alliance. The Archmage council is disbanded, and a new political system is set in place.

  • 8003 5E

    King Kram Silverdeep
    Political event

    Kram Silverdeep becomes king of Salzenstadt.

  • 8003 5E

    Arilyn Moonblade becomes a Harper
    Life, Organisation Association

    Additional timelines
  • 8003 5E

    15 /1

    Queen London Carnation
    Political event

    London Carnation becomes the queen of the Highfields.

  • 8003 5E

    30 /6
    8003 5E

    10 /7

    The Second Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    This year's festival is held in the Highfields, now run by London Carnation.

  • 8003 5E


    Rise of the Ordayn Crime Syndicate
    Life, Organisation Association

    Vampire crime lord Lord Ordayn assembles a crime syndicate in the port city of Slymere.

  • 8003 5E

    1 /9

    New Staff at the Arcane Academy
    Life, Career

    New staff- DA prof. Aiden Blackadder, CA prof. Ezekiel Connors, Coach Gregory Greggs, RA Lancaster Greytower, WTS prof. Shaun Hernandez, RTM prof. Louis Lóeg, IA prof. Caitríona MacNeill, AT prof. Lonnie Pertridge, FC prof. Prism, MAMA instructor, Carolina Vega- are employed, while Vice Principal Style and Principal Lebowitz remain in their positions. Doctors Glee Bloom and Abaddon Li use the research facilities here too.

  • 8004 5E

    1 /7
    8004 5E

    10 /7

    The Third Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    Held in the Wild Woods, now joined with Breantis, House Reynolds, and the Highfields.

  • 8004 5E

    11 /7

    The First Conference of the Alliance
    Gathering / Conference

    King Jorah, Queen Lizzy, King Joseph, and Queen Carnation come together after the festival and decide on building an alliance together, and slowly build the west into a powerhouse of law and order, restoring good in as much of the world as they can.

    More reading
  • 8004 5E

    1 /8

    Grand Reopening of the Arcane Academy
    Gathering / Conference

    The Arcane Academy's rules are revised under the lawful system and discrimination is left in the past, allowing other races to enter the college.

  • 8004 5E

    1 /8
    8004 5E

    10 /8

    ACD Chapter 1; Original Sin
    Additional timelines
  • 8004 5E

    31 /10

    Establishment of the Shadow Vale
    Diplomatic action

    Dracula's Kingdom south of the Rubygold Mountains becomes an ally of the Western Alliance, and is renamed the Shadow Vale- home to darker creatures. In vampiric, it is called the Shadowed Fell, and commonly referred to as the Shadowfell.

  • 8004 5E

    13 /12

    Retaking Bronzemere and the Sword Coast
    Military action

    *future one-shot

  • 8005 5E

    7 /1

    Coronation Day
    Military action

    Marjorie became the queen after a plot to assassinate her went wrong.

    Additional timelines
  • 8005 5E


    Maccath's Divorce
    Life, Relationship change

    After discovering her lover's dark fantasies, Maccath divorced her.

  • 8005 5E

    14 /7
    8005 5E

    19 /7

    The Fourth Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    Held in the Sword Coast.

  • 8006 5E

    19 /2

    Wedding of Arilyn and Dani

    Additional timelines
  • 8006 5E


    Vistani reunited
    Life, Relationship change

    Stefan finally came to his senses and found his old flame Ardan. He then began travelling with him from plane to plane, eventually becoming a warlock of Morwel. Their relationship blossomed as they travelled.

    Additional timelines
  • 8006 5E

    10 /7
    8006 5E

    24 /7

    The Fifth Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    Held in Salzenstadt, a two week long drinking session hosted by newly coronated Kram Silverdeep.

  • 8007 5E

    23 /7
    8007 5E

    30 /7

    RED Chapter 1; On Parole

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    1 /8

    RED Interlude III; Festival of New Dawn

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    1 /8
    8007 5E

    11 /8

    The Sixth Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    Held in the Free Peach, Princess Serana Greaves attempts to ruin the festival and give her sister Queen Marjorie a bad name.

  • 8007 5E

    12 /8

    RED Interlude IV; Foundations of the Guild

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    13 /8
    8007 5E

    15 /8

    RED Chapter 2; Elvish Insights

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    16 /8

    RED Interlude V; Fully Automated

    More reading
    Inventor's Guild
    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    17 /8

    RED Chapter 3; Thrown for a Loop
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event
  • 8007 5E

    19 /8
    8007 5E


    RED Chapter 4; Running a Business

    More reading
    Ace Ventura
  • 8007 5E

    29 /11

    Marriage of Arvan and Stefan

    Arvan and Stefan legally got married, however they did not have a marital ceremony.

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    8 /12
    8007 5E

    12 /12

    Arrow Diamond's investigation of Camor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Arrow Diamond began his investigation into the mystery of Camor, leading to his death in Skirvin Manor.

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    12 /12
    8007 5E

    14 /12

    Tether: Mystery of Skirvin Manor

    Adventurers Arielle, Asuki and Cal'li hunted the criminal Roundabout Jen to the quiet town of Camor, only to find a secret in the manor that looms in the hills. The manor was Skirvin Manor, and due to the deadly Vapul Blizzard, they had to stay the night.

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    12 /12 18:00
    8007 5E

    14 /12 06:00

    Vapul Blizzard
    Geological / environmental event

    The Vapul Blizzard was a deadly blizzard that raged across the Glacies mountains in the Winter of 8007.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    20 /12

    RED Interlude VI; The Candlenights Ball (Peace Party)
    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    24 /12 12:00
    8007 5E

    26 /12 16:00

    Peace Party
    Political event

  • 8007 5E

    25 /12

    RED Chapter 5; Eclipse and Cristoph Swanson

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    26 /12
    8007 5E

    30 /12

    RED Chapter 6; Honest Work

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    26 /12

    RED Interlude VII; Eclipse Knows

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    27 /12

    Fog Harbour

    Additional timelines
  • 8007 5E

    31 /12

    RED Chapter 7; Underdark

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    1 /1

    RED Chapter 8; The Reactor

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    1 /1
    8008 5E

    7 /1

    Nicolai Von Stein's funeral
    Life, Death

    More reading
  • 8008 5E

    2 /1
    8008 5E

    3 /1

    Our Separate Ways
    Gathering / Conference

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    14 /2

    Burrow of the Albino Werecrocodiles

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    14 /2

    The Grand Revel
    Cultural event

    The Grand Revel is a day of dancing, music, and the consumption of sweet treats of all kinds, from chocolate to red firemint candies. Although some of the dancing is wanton and performed for show, large-scale ring dances in the street for all ages are also popular.

  • 8008 5E

    23 /3

    Chasing a Killer
    Life, Crime

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    2 /4
    8008 5E

    3 /4

    COS Chapter 1; Into the Unknown
  • 8008 5E

    5 /4

    COS Chapter 2; The Town of Vallaki
  • 8008 5E

    7 /4

    COS Chapter 3; Of Marshlands and Ruins
  • 8008 5E

    7 /4
    8008 5E

    11 /4

    Honest Work

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    9 /4
    8008 5E

    15 /4

    COS Chapter 4; Divide and Conquer
  • 8008 5E

    13 /4
    8008 5E

    15 /4

    The Depths

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    15 /4

    Timeline Shift
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After grappling over an ioun stone of power, versions of Nicolai von Stein and Caroline Aradia from an alternate timeline transport themselves into our Terra Caelum.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    16 /4

    COS Interlude VIII; Made to Measure
  • 8008 5E

    17 /4

    COS Chapter 5; Dinner with the Devil
  • 8008 5E

    17 /4

    White Dragon Raid
    Disaster / Destruction

    Arauthator and his white dragons raided the Hosttower of the Arcane in the city of Yerentil, stealing many draconic texts from the wizards.

  • 8008 5E

    17 /4

    The Other Guilds
    Political event

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    18 /4

    COS Interlude IX; Bittersweet Reunion
  • 8008 5E

    19 /4

    S&S Chapter 3; Assault on Quabus

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    19 /4

    COS Chapter 6; The Aftermath
  • 8008 5E

    19 /4 9:00

    S&S Chapter 1; Danger at Blire Manor

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    19 /4 18:00

    S&S Chapter 2; Into Quabus

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    20 /4

    COS Chapter 7; Krezk and the Underground
  • 8008 5E

    20 /4

    S&S Interlude XI; Silver Flames and Silver Tongues

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    21 /4

    COS Chapter 8; Wicked Days and Mongrel Ways
  • 8008 5E

    22 /4

    COS Interlude X; Weighing the Options
  • 8008 5E

    22 /4

    S&S Chapter 5; Taking the Castle

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    22 /4

    COS Chapter 9; This Ends Tonight
  • 8008 5E

    22 /4

    S&S Chapter 4; Blood Moon Wedding

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    22 /4

    The Blood Moon
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    On this day, an extremely powerful blood moon rose in Terra Caelum, as Selene wailed in pain for hours.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    22 /4

    Marriage of Laeral and Khelben Arunsun

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    23 /4 06:00

    S&S interlude XII; Storm Brewing

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    23 /4 12:00

    S&S Chapter 6; Those Who Harp

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    23 /4 13:00

    The Battle for Hero's Point
    Military action

    The Battle for Hero’s Point was the climactic battle between the Harpers and the forces of Defroksanz and his master.   The battle began with the Harpers encountering Marceli Greatwell and Duskthorn Poppy at the Statue of the Titan. While they fought, Storm Silverhand and the The Unchained were fighting off the incoming dragons, trying to minimise the damage done to the village.   After defeating Greatwell and Poppy, the Harpers were told by Storm to head to the Hanging Tower to gain vampire sorceresses' help to help repair the clocktower’s magical anti-dragon wards. Along the way they encountered Rock, who was under the command of Defroksanz once more.   After defeating Rock, the Harpers were already down a few spell slots. Once they approached the Hanging Tower, they also alerted the vampires of their presence.   The Hanging Tower battle was set in a circular room 40 ft. in radius, therefore 80 ft. in diameter. Radia and Lorelei Chachki appeared across from each other at two ends of the room, forcing some Harpers out of Art's protective aura of courage. During the battle, Arielle was killed and the deceitful sorceress Rose Chachki pretended to be happy to help kill her abusive step-relatives. Arilyn Moonblade returned to the party during this fight, showing off the power of her new Primordial Fusionblade. However Arilyn seemed cocky and task-oriented, ignoring how problematic her behaviour was, and Dani Thann and her appeared to be actively hostile to one another, not healing or supporting one another.   After Rose acquired the Wand of Whispers andCal'li took Radia’s runic battleaxe, every character had improved weapons. Rose tried to betray the group but they easily disposed of her.   Storm resurrected Kelin easily using the magic of the Cobalt Temple to give him cybernetic enhancements. He rejoined the party of Harpers, now accompanied by Arvan and Stefan of the Unchained, and headed to the Cobalt Clocktower.   The Cobalt Clocktower is an imposing 60 foot wide, 320-foot tall circular clock tower. It was built with the simplicity and precision of monks with the expertise of artificers and inventors. There are nine main floors to the tower, with the top-level containing a massive bell and the arcane core of the dragonwards. To activate the dragonwards, multiple other cores must be activated simultaneously across the tower, in floors three, four, six, and eight.   Defroksanz had already wrapped himself around the roof of the clocktower and was able to climb or fly down to take potshots at the Harpers if he so desired. His breath weapon attack could reach those at the bottom of the tower while the Harpers were outside.   After a long, continuous battle through the tower, the Harpers defeated Defroksanz. They beat him repeatedly until Storm, who was emotionally fragile after realising she was a weaveghost, used her silver flames to eliminate Defroksanz's soul.   The Harpers repaired the dragonwards, and the Battle for Hero's Point was over.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    24 /4


    A small adventuring group of Harpers was sent to the lost temple of Kaldrfjell to try and discover its regenerative properties, shortly after the blood moon.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    25 /4

    Destruction of Barovia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Domains of Dread collapsed briefly as Narrian and Ace Ventura left Old Barovia to be destroyed. A mass exodus occurred prior to this, with some of the Barovians surviving.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    29 /7

    Maccath's Expedition

    Maccath the Crimson concluded that some questions could be answered only by dragons- and that questions about the magic stolen from the Hosttower during the White Dragon Raid could be answered only by the white dragons themselves. Maccath set sail on an expedition to learn those answers in July of 8008 and hasn’t been heard from since.

    More reading
    Maccath the Crimson
  • 8008 5E

    1 /8
    8008 5E

    11 /8

    The Seventh Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    3 /10

    Shattering of the Ordning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Ordning, the social structure followed by the giants, was shattered by King Hekaton, leaving the giants to find their own ways to prove themselves to the All-Father.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    11 /10

    Sansuri's attack on the Free Peach
    Disaster / Destruction

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    23 /10

    SKT Chapter 1; A Great Upheaval
  • 8008 5E

    2 /11 19:00
    8008 5E

    5 /11

    Expedition to the Eye of the All-Father

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    8 /11
    8008 5E

    13 /12

    Jayden's training in rune magic
    Life, Milestone

    Jayden started training in the art of rune casting under the tutelage of Pumpkin Patch's runemaster.

    Additional timelines
  • 8008 5E

    23 /12
    8008 5E

    28 /12

    Cultural event

    Additional timelines
  • 8010 5E

    12 /4
    8013 5E

    1 /7

    Construction of Waterdeep
    Construction beginning/end

    From the ruins of Anthor, Waterdeep was constructed. Construction was sped up with the help of the Arcane Brotherhood and the Alliance, as well as any guilds that wished to help.

  • 8013 5E

    1 /7

    Founding of Waterdeep

  • 8031 5E

    1 /1

    Cultural event

    Marking the start of the new year, this observance is a widely recognised day off work, when folk sip warmed ciders and broths (often laced with herbs for health and to bring on visions) and stay inside. They tell tales of what interested them or what was important in the year just done, and discuss what they intend to do or should deal with.

  • 8031 5E

    14 /2

    The Grand Revel
    Cultural event

    The Grand Revel is a day of dancing, music, and the consumption of sweet treats of all kinds, from chocolate to red firemint candies. Although some of the dancing is wanton and performed for show, large-scale ring dances in the street for all ages are also popular.

  • 8031 5E

    1 /3

    Cultural event

    This holiday is named in honour of Lathander's first prophet, Rhyester, a young blind boy who was cured of that blindness by the dawn's light on this day more than seven centuries ago. That holy event occurred in the desert of Thay, but Lathander has had a much larger temple in Waterdeep, and a following to match. Each of the faithful dons bright garb of sunrise hues and keeps one eye covered until the next dawn in honour of Rhyester.

  • 8031 5E

    19 /3

    Fey Day
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 8031 5E

    24 /3
    8031 5E

    31 /3

    Cultural event

    This festival celebrates the sea, maritime trade, and the gods of the sea, navigation and weather. It spans the last week of March and includes a series of boat races, the Shipwrights' Ball, and galas at the Copper Cup festhall.

  • 8031 5E

    1 /4
    8031 5E

    7 /4

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    6 /5
    8031 5E

    9 /5

    The Plowing and Running
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    1 /6

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    14 /6

    Guildhall Day
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    20 /6

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    29 /6
    8032 5E

    10 /7

    The Twenty-Ninth Festival of New Dawn
    Cultural event

    The Festival of New Dawn was held in the city of Waterdeep for the first time rather than what remained of the official capital city of Anthor.

  • 8031 5E

    1 /7

    Founders' Day
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    3 /7
    8031 5E

    5 /7

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    7 /7

    Lliira's Night
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    1 /8

    Ahghairon's Day
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    21 /8

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    3 /9

    Day of Wonders
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    7 /9

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    10 /9

    Reign of Misrule
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    15 /9

    Gods' Day
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    30 /9

    Liar's Night
    Cultural event

  • Early October 8031 5E
    Selene's Hallowing
    Cultural event

    More reading
  • 8031 5E

    20 /10

    Last Sheaf
    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    11 /11

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    20 /11

    Cultural event

  • 8031 5E

    23 /12
    8031 5E

    28 /12

    Cultural event

    More reading