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Aetrios, much like Moorgate, has diverse ecosystems from high mountains to deep caverns. The lands that have been settled mainly consist of fertile forests and plains. The deep. thick forests that cover Aetrios make it difficult to settle beyond Brelimond's borders.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the fauna through Aetrios blurs the lines between the Fae Realm, Elemental Planes, and the Material Plane. While there are a few creatures that bear much resemblance to the fauna of Moorgate and Igia, but many of them have strange and otherworldly attributes. There are also creatures that appear as hybrids of animals that shouldn't be able to have hybrids(i.e. Owlbear).   Much like the wildlife of Aetrios, the flora consists of many odd specimens. Carnivorous plants are not uncommon in Moorgate and Igia, however many of the species found in Aetrios are large enough to consume larger creatures. When Aetrios was first being settled, these plants would attempt to consume anthropoids when available, but recently they have started to adapt specific measures to "hunt" them.   Because the the untamed nature of these lands, flora and fauna from other planes can be found in some of the more removed lands. Species from the Fae Realm and Elemental Planes are amoung the most common and can often be found in closer to settlements as well.


While all records claim that the first settlers of Aetrios arrived in 1266, there are a number of ruins that match those of some of the earliest human architectural designs. One example is the castle from which Queen Chloe Elara holds court.   Queen Chloe has looked into this, but even her investigations have come up empty. Her current theories are either and off-shoot of Moorgate and Igia's human population settled here and ended up shuffling off into other planes(either by free-will or through trickery) or because of the nature of these lands, some collection of ruins from Moorgate and Igia were shunted over to Aetrios. Recent events involving an Elder deity back her claim. Since the powerful ripples through the Weave caused a few major changes to the landscape of Terra Dracones, it is likely the last event like this brought about the shuntting she mentioned. Since the event in 0BR is recorded to have gone on longer and at a greater magnitude than the one in 1290, it is likely that a few ruins left behind we sent over into Aetrios.
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