Blueball Blitz

Blueball Blitz

The Shadowbolts' ranged and elemental expert - if the element is specifically lightning. Blitz is hands-down the fastest flier on Terra.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blitz has a professional runner's body frame. She is somewhat built but still lean and agile.

Identifying Characteristics

Blitz has lightning-shaped scars all down her body, most noticeably on her right side.   Due to her limited electrokinesis, Blitz will often have stray bolts of electricity jumping around her, especially her hair.

Special abilities

Blitz has the ability to control lightning to some extent. She can use it to maintain speeds at or over the sound barrier with ease. However, using this for long periods overloads her mind, and Blitz will spend varying periods of time with minimal brain function afterward.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Blitz and her brother Static fell into a storm generator. While the electricity didn't kill them, it scarred Blitz physically and mentally. Her mind shattered due to the electricity overload, and she began to show violent behaviors and impulsive tendencies that she could not control. She was put in a mental asylum for a time with the expectation that she would never be mentally stable enough to live a "normal" life.

Failures & Embarrassments

Blitz has a gambling addiction. She has gambled away her or her family's money on several occasions. She does not live in her own home or apartment in the NLR due to her lack of savings.    Midnight, Nightshade, and/or Static have to be responsible for Blitz's finances. Still, all three continue to enable her behavior by giving her an allowance that she ultimately gambles away.

Mental Trauma

When she lived in Equestria, Blitz was unable to be diagnosed properly due to a poor understanding of mental health at the time.   In the NLR sometime later, she was properly diagnosed with an unspecified impulse control disorder and pathological gambling disorder as a co-morbid symptom. Being an assassin, Blitz's violent behavior is directed toward those the team is targeting. She is remorseless after, but not likely to lash out inappropriately aggressively at those around her.


Contacts & Relations

Midnight Eclipse     Midnight is Blitz's boss. After being begged by Static to use his royal authority to help her, Midnight became Blitz's sponsor and released her from long-term assisted care. Blitz is very thankful to Midnight for giving her a chance to try for a life outside of mental hospitals.     Spitfire   SPITFIIIIIRE! Blitz's self-proclaimed best friend and Captian of the Wonderbolts. For an unknown reason, Blitz latched onto Spitfire and didn't let go. For a long time, Spitfire found this incredibly annoying. Blitz won her over, though, by helping Spitfire and Flare pass secret letters between the NLR and Equestria to keep the lovers in contact.

Family Ties

Static   Static is Blitz's older brother and biggest advocate. For a while, Static was the only family Blitz had. In a way, Static is also Blitz's major father figure in her life.      Dust Devil   DD, as Blitz called them, was Blitz's lover in Equestria. DD was a Lunarian spy who Blitz met on a mission, and fell for fairly quickly. Conveniently, DD needed a family to better blend into their job, and the two decided it was a mutual boon. They were never officially married in the NLR or Equestria, to Static's chagrin.      Lightning Thunder   LT was named by Blitz. Obviously. She looked very much like Blitz and was the couple's only daughter. Blitz had a distant but loving relationship with both of her kids.     Cyclone Swirl   Cyclone is the couple's youngest and only son. Cyclone is a mixture of his parents in looks, but more like DD in personality. Cyclone lived to see his mother return and be able to be a part of the family to his grandkids, her great-grandkids.

Social Aptitude

Happy-go-lucky and cheerful, it is rare to see Blitz upset or angry about anything. Sometimes this is to her detriment, as socially she is seen as creepy for not reacting to things that most would consider angering or sad.    It is unclear whether this is purposefully done as a coping mechanism, or if Blitz is just oblivious to some social situations.


Blitz cannot sit still for long. Often instead of standing, Blitz will bounce around in place like she is dancing to something unheard, or she will flutter her wings rapidly. She prefers to move to some extent. Some speculate that this is because her brain processes time faster than most.


Blitz speaks fast. Sometimes too fast to be understood by those that understand her normally.    Herdialoguelookslikethisevenifsheshouldstillbeunderstood!   She can slow down her speaking pace, but only with a lot of effort, or if she is especially sad.


Blueball Blitz


Towards Dust Devil


Dust Devil


Towards Blueball Blitz


Current Location
Salt Lick City
Dust Devil (partner)
pale lavender and purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
purple-blue fur
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization

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