Terran Pantheon

For the cities of the gods/goddesses, see: Civicerta   Terra's Gods and Goddesses are organized into the Terran Pantheon. There is no hierarchy of rule within the pantheon. Instead, the deities are organized by their history or power levels.   They are as follows:   Primordials   These deities are especially rare. They have the ultimate power and are the only ones powerful enough to create energy. "Energy" includes life and celestial bodies (such as planets and stars). Terra has three primordials.  
  • Lumensia has been granted many titles: Goddess of Light, Life, Terra, and Harmony. If you were to ask her, Lumensia refers to herself as the Goddess of Stories, thus her preferred title of "The Scribe." She is the creator of Terra, the universe around it, and the majority of the life that populates it. Her mortal consort described her as "The Universe." It is unclear if this was literal, or just a cute pet name.
  • Grogar (or Mudum) is the god of several titles as well: God of darkness, destruction, dark magic, the void, and chivalry. He is the opposing force to Lumen, and the two balance each other out. Grogar has created some creatures of Terra, but also an entire host of demonic creatures and beasts. His Realm, known as Tambelon, was once manifest on Terra until Lumen's followers sealed it away. One of Grogar's goals is to bring Tambelon back.
  • Aeris is primordial, but somehow still weaker than the two above. Her realm is chaos and entropy, and she lives her immortal life riding the timeline like a grind rail with her champion. One of Aeris's duties is to trim or create branches of Terra's prime timeline.
  Created   The most common type of minor god and goddess, these deities were created from pure faith magic to serve a particular realm. It is not unlikely for deities of this type to change gender, shape, personality, or realm due to the beliefs of their followers. The deities themselves refer to this change in two ways: positively, as it being "always meant to be" and negatively, as being "a slave to the realm."  
  • Rixa is the oldest minor goddess of the Pantheon. She is the goddess of disharmony or bad luck.
  • Taetum is a rare member of the minor gods. He was created by Lumen herself to be opposed to her, as the god of death. Because of his creation at her hand, Taetum considers himself to be Lumen's eldest son. Especially when he takes interest in mortal affairs later in his immortal life.
  • Vequi is almost as old as Rixa and Taetum, but is characterized for being particularly crafty. She was originally created as the goddess of civilization but continued to mold her realm to stay relevant and not fade. She is now the goddess of tradition. Later, she molds her realm again to become the goddess of history.
  • Brumae is the goddess of winter and cold.
  • Dapsilis is the goddess of fertility and life.
  • Elpys is the goddess of hope.
  • Eratrix is the goddess of ambition.
  • Fuori is the goddess of chastity.
  • Gaea is the goddess of Terra and the harvest.
  • Incidem is the god of logic. Incidem and Savictus were split originally from a former god of Knowlege.
  • Savictus is the god of wisdom. Due to Savictus and Incidem's split, they regard each other and treat each other like brothers.
  • Khidis is the ancient goddess of the sphinx.
  • Laureo is the goddess of victory.
  • Neculbi is the goddess of peace.
  • Nescerrant is the goddess of the lost and crossroads. In some ways, Nescarrant is also worshipped as the goddess of chance meetings.
  • Novide is the goddess of creativity. She is the only created minor goddess to have a solid, preferred depicted species.
  • Riavota is the goddess of wishes. She is the patron goddess of genies.
  • Silvis is the god of the wilds. He is one of the most anti-social gods, sometimes to the point of antagonism.
  • Valesem is the goddess of wealth and luxury. She is one of the most popular minor goddesses on Terra.
  • Vicora is the goddess of war.
  • Volcane is the goddess of invention. She is the patron deity of New Moon City.
      Ascended   These gods and goddesses were at one point mortal or created weaker than a minor deity. At some point for one reason or another, they were raised to minor deity status and given a realm. What makes these gods and goddesses different are that their physical forms are fairly concrete, though they may choose to change them.      
  • Authemia is the goddess of envy. Originally she was a powerful demoness created by Grogar, in a pack based around the 7 sins.
  • Superia was also once a demon. However, she ascended to the goddess of pride. Their "sibling demons" are jealous that only these two ascended to godhood.
  • Cariyanna was once an ancient griffoness of legendary beauty. After she passed, stories were still told of her enchanting looks and soft, sweet temperament. After millennia of her legend being passed down, she ascended to the goddess of beauty and self-worth.
  • Scintilla was the first organized leader of the dragons. Instead of legends of her fantastic beauty or good heart, Scintilla was known as a ruthless and powerful, but organized and sharp dragonlord. The stories of her fearsome might are what ascended her to the goddess of power after her overthrow and death.
  • (REDACTED) ascended after their death to the deity of love. Their mate used what they knew from Heart's Creed's studies and exploits, and the stories of other ascended goddesses, to spread (REDACTED)'s stories and influence until they ascended.
  • (REDACTED)'s ascension was always in Grogar's plans. They are the deity of energy.
  • (READACTED)'s ascension was also a plan of Grogar's. They are the deity of space itself.
  • (REDACTED) ascended to the deity of dreams and nightmares last due to Grogar's influence.
    Born   The rarest type of minor goddess, these three goddesses were born to godly parents.  
  • Nova Flare is the daughter of the goddess of history and the deity of love. She was the first goddess to be born to two minor deities. She took Vequi's former title of tradition.
  • What's rarer than a goddess born to two deities? TWINS! Born to Rixa and her mortal consort, Alei is the goddess of light magic.
  • Opscanta is Alei's twin. She took one of Rixa's previous realms of dark magic, much to the hatred of Grogar. The twins weren't naturally supposed to be goddesses due to their mortal father, but Rixa used several favors she'd gathered from Aeris over thousands of years to ascend them to their prospective realms. This not only blindsided Aeris (the goddess of chaos) but forced her to create a rule so that other goddesses could not replicate this.
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