
Humans make up the most populous sapient species in Terra Rynn, and are the only race to have stable civilizations and territory on every known continent. One of the original 'inspired races', humans have leveraged their adaptable nature to make use of land and ecosystems others disregarded, and found a way to thrive.   Due to this flexible nature, humans were able to expand their kingdoms faster and further than any other, allowing for the formation of the Turathi Empire. Yet, their ambition became their weakness, leading to the empires eventual fall. Still, human's endure in their own way, and as a species, show no permanent damage.   After the fall of the Empire, humans ubiquitous adaptability dwindled to some degree, and those humans that specialized a bit more gained dominance. Now, most humans can either be found dwelling in large cities, surrounded by clever infrastructure and daily comforts. Those that scorn the city life fled to the frontier, and trained themselves to survive in the rugged borderlands.

Basic Information


Humans are the third oldest inspired race, after elves and dwarves. They have no unique or distinquishing features, and have muted physical features. Primarily, either their skin and hair range in color, and their size possess some variability.   Perhaps their most unique characteristic is the ability to mate with other species, and produce hybrid offspring. Depending on the species, their human traits are more or less dominant, allowing humans to 'skip' a generation, in some instances.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Throughout the Petty Kingdoms of Southern Kreata, up into Central Kreata in the Thviscan League. Also along the northern coasts of Esor in the Free Cities of Maero. More recently, the rapidly growing kingdom of Svain along Orela's northeastern coast.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Humans cultural heritage is long and wide, and has influenced several civilizations. Humans trace their ancestral home to a region, now lost, near the heart of the Turathi empire.   Since then, they have left the southern shore of Kreata, and have established long histories in Western Kreata (Thvisch), Northern Esor (Maero), and Eastern Orela (Svain). Few similarities remain to truly link one human to another on anything more than a basic physical appearance.
Genetic Descendants
Related Ethnicities


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