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The Trilithon


The Trilithon is the secret services of the Dwarven Kingdom. It is the basis for the Tricalaeon Order created by the Alliance between Men, Elves and Dwarves.

Trilithon comes from the Greek/Atlantean "having three stones" (τρι-/tri- 'three' + λίθος/lithos 'stone'), and is inspired by the most basic of stone structures, consisting of two standing stones, and a crossbar/beam. This in and of itself is the structure that Dwarves have always used to shore up their underground mining tunnels and the basis for all doorways. The Trilithon sees itself as the 'doorway through which every secret moves' .  


  The Trilithon is more fundamental in function than most secret organisations in Atlantis. They simply seek to safeguard the Dwarven Kingdom and it's current alliances.


  The symbol is said to represent the stalactites of the earliest caves experienced by the Four - the noble houses of the Dwarves. They are both the roof that protects, and endangers those below at the same time. A Trilithon acts as a way of stabilising these elements of nature and protecting those below it. So the Trilithon symbol is one that represents the dangers being protected against.


Operative Functions

Operatives of the Trilithon perform allocated missions as expected. Operatives are also obligated to report once per month on their observations in any area that they are operating. These intelligence reports are largely underwhelming and uneventful but are sent in anyway - it is often said that the Dwarves can discern more in a mundane report of barley harvests a thousand leagues away than the farmer standing on the field where it is growing.

Operative Benefits

The Trilithon have a series of safe houses in every town and city of Atlantis. This allows operatives to not only easily file reports - but to find rest and security at no charge. They largely share these with Tricalaeon Operatives but only in Atlantean Human Cities and Towns - not in Elven or Dwarven settlements.

The Trilithon Operative can deputise any individual of any race to act in concert with them.

Trilithon Ranks


A Lintel is the crossbeam in the structure - it gives shape and function to the entire structure. It is the connecting beam and as such acts as the Master of the Communication flows from Operatives in their area. A Lintel is often a Diplomat-Kitted Rogue operating in the area, or a Trader-Kitted Rogue.    


  A Post is a single upright stone - in this case it is a single spy or operative in the entire structure - and although it is simply an operative - often it is in the power of each post to bring down a whole Trilithon Network. Therefore, each Post knows only their Lintel, and rarely any other operative in the area.

Left Post

The Left is the side from the Dwarven heart so it is seen as the side of healing, the Left Post of a Trilithon unit is often a Cleric, or a Cleric/Rogue who is operating in the area on behalf of a Lintel.

Right Post

The Dwarves consider the right structure to be the side of attack - the Right Post is the physical enforcer of a Trilithon Unit. It is normally a position held by a Warrior or Warrior/ Rogue.

Hidden Ranks

  The Hidden Ranks are in fact a sub-group of Dwarven Trilithon Operatives. So it is not just a description of hidden ranks but in actuality is a title of the Sub-organisation. A member of the Hidden openly presents themselves as a Trilithon Agent but is so much more. The Ranks of the Hidden only come from the Tirajj (The Families of the Four). Often the members of these families do not meet with the 'norms' of Dwarven society - being too Chaotic, too Neutral and yes, too Evil to fit into society. As such, these black rocks (sheep) of the families are not cast aside but rather cast among the enemy to do some good for the Dwarven Community. (You do not cast aside an uncut gem just because of one perceived flaw.)  

Operational Norms

  The Hidden are allowed to act as normal Trilithon operatives, and can present themselves as deputised members if their race or racial appearance does not match the norms of a dwarf, to gain access to all the benefits of the Trilithon operations. However, they are free to operate as they see fit - until called upon to do a mission. That mission may include Assassination, infiltration or theft, depending on their individual abilities. Then they return to their normal role.  

Specialised Roles of the Hidden



  The Threshold rank is the grade of Enforcer - they hunt down those who have betrayed the Trilithon in some way. They keep the secrets inside the Dwarven community just as the Threshold of an old house keeps the Thresh inside the doorway of the cottage.


  The Tenon are a very unique unit - they are always the tallest and thinnest of Dwarves (as such their height is the same as an Elf. The height requirement is at least 5 foot or more in height. Their weight is always kept low also. For all intensive purposes they are tall and thin Dwarves who can more easily pass themselves off as being another race. They are also No-beards.


  The Mortise is the rarest of operatives - they are individuals of other races who have been raised as Dwarves and who consider themselves as Dwarven Subjects above all else. They are trained from birth as Dwarves and have the same detection abilities of Mining work but lack the infravision, and full fortitude abilities given by Dwarven Constitution. They are perfect secret agents of the Dwarven Kingdom.

Secret, Governmental arm
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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