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Taurétyelca was a denomination of Taurévarna that gained popularity in the eastern region of the Elderwood in late Time Immemorial. Founded by Maedhros upon his discovery of the Parma Tyelca, Taurétyelca focuses on the concept of "swiftness" or the amount of life energy one has, with the idea that the most swift individuals should be society's leaders. It was through Taurétyelca that Maedhros both recruited his co-conspirators in the Dark Alliance, and prepared the energy source for the Dagortauré to take place.


As was tradition within Taurévarna, Taurétyelca did not feature a set hierarchy, instead keying in on every practitioner being equal to all other practitioners. The Tyelcans also carried on the tradition that anyone present to a ritual could be called upon to lead. However, due to his stature inside the community at large, and his supposed discovery of the Parma Tyelca, the source text for Taurétyelca, Maedhros was most often called upon and looked up to by all Tyelcans to the extent that he was viewed as the religion's leader.


The culture of Taurétyelca was virtually indistinguishable from that of the greater Aéldelin culture of the eastern Elderwood in its early days. However, in the denomination's later days, an extreme minimalism took over the lifestyle, as Tyelcans eschewed traditional Aéldelin joyousness, bright colors, and celebrations for a solemn, stoic, and drab existence. The shift matched the shift in attitudes away from communal focus and towards one's individual connection with the Elderwood.

Public Agenda

Outwardly, Taurétyelca positioned itself as all other Taurévarnan denominations did - as an alternate way to practice the same ideals with a regional spin. Outsiders knew the sect focused on connection to the forest. The idea that the connection could be stronger in the east was seen as nothing more the typical exceptionalism of the region. This resigned appearance kept Maedhros' plans for his followers well off of anyone's radar prior to the Dagortauré.


Taurétyelca was formed by one of the Great Elders of the eastern shores of the Elderwood - Maedhros - approximately forty seven years prior to The Separation. According to legend, Maedhros came across a worn, leather covered text inside of a cave during one of his meditative walks. This tome, written in an ancient runic script, is said to have contained the writings that inspired Maedhros to initiate the new denomination of the Taurétvarnan faith, Taurétyelca.
  Titled the Parma Tyelca, or Book of the Swift, is said to have discussed the idea of Swiftness as the amount of life energy within an individual, and implied that those who were the most swift ought to be the leaders of society. The book also claimed that the eastern regions of the forest contained the strongest energies, and thusly, the swiftest individuals came from the east. It is believed that this is what inspired Maedhros to engage the Dagortauré.
  While the legends are clear that Maedhros used the Parma Tyelca as his source for Taurétyelca, the book's existence is heavily debated by historians and scholars. It is known that the Tyelcans followed Maedhros' claim without issue, there is no recorded proof of the book existing beyond Maedhros' claims in public and private conversation. As such, there are questions as to the true inspiration behind Taurétyelca's origin.
  Taurétyelca spread slowly over the next few decades, traveling by word of mouth. It is reported that the new practice spread wholly on the weight of the Elder's word however, those of the eastern Elderwood were known to have strong regional pride, leaving many scholars to believe the idea that swiftness was best increased in the region to be the true largest factor. As Taurétyelca neared its peak, regional identity had become intertwined with regional pride as the vast majority of the eastern shore board was practicing.
  During its peak years, followers of Taurétyelca began to show heavier signs of devotion. The most blatant sign of this was the replacement of typical Aéldelinian attire with a more modest version of the Elder's cloak as worn by Maedhros. Numerous Elders within the region had joined the practice at this time, and it is believed that Maedhros recruited the seven members of the Dark Alliance from these ranks.
  The Tyelcans played a major role in the Dagortauré, though according to Maedhros they were unaware that they would be, as was revealed during his trial following The Separation. In the months leading up to the Dagortauré, the Tyelcans had been preparing themselves for a mass arcane ritual. Maedhros had told the Tyelcans that he and the Dark Alliance members would be completing a wellness ritual at the Convention of Elders, and that if all Tyelcans channeled their energy to the Convention, they could expand the ritual over the entire Elderwood. It was the infusion of this extra energy into the Dagortauré, that instigated the tearing of the land and causing The Separation.


The dissolution of Taurétyelca is murky. It is known that the execution of Maedhros was received around 10 days afterward in the land that was once the eastern wood of the Elderwood. He was instantly seen as a martyr among the survivors of this land who became frenzied by the news. After this little is known as to what occurred within the religious practices of the future The Darkwood. The first report of the Cult of Maedhros came early in the second millennium of the First Era, no mention of Tyelcan activity had been noticed for over two centuries at this point, leading to the accepted theory that Taurétyelca gave birth to the Cult of Maedhros.


Taurétyelca covered much of the eastern shoreline at its peak. Covering approximately 1/5 of the Elderwood, the sect was likely the second largest denomination of Taurévarna at the time of The Separation.

Mythology & Lore

The Taurétyelcan mythos is an expansion upon the Taurévarnan mythos. Retaining the same focus on the interconnected relationship between the Aéldelinians and the Elderwood, Taurétyelca takes the notion of life energy as its central focus.
  In Taurétvarna, life energy is a metaphysical energy that exists throughout the Elderwood, created by the unified energies of the forest and its inhabitants. This energy is constantly flowing, is something that can be tapped into, and is equally available to all inhabitants within the Elderwood.
  Taurétyelca centralizes itself around this life energy as its primary diversion from Taurétvarna. Within Taurétyelca, life energy is viewed as an abundant, yet finite energy source that individuals can store up. The amount of one's life energy is referred to as their swiftness, and those with more life energy are the swiftest. According to their teachings, this life energy could only be built up through strengthening one's connection with the forest, meaning that the most swift practicioners were the closest to the Elderwood. While there aren't any signs that a hierarchy was imposed among those of the faith, it it is believed that this hierarchy was understood and followed within the sect. Based on his discovery of the Parma Tyelca along with his status as a Great Elder, Maedhros was viewed as being the most swift of the faith, providing him an influence over the entirety of the Tyelcans.

Divine Origins

Taurétyelca traces its roots directly to Maedhros' discovery of the Parma Tyelca. While taking one of his meditative walks Maedhros is said to have come across the leather-bound tome just inside of the mouth of the cave. He began sharing the lessons found within the Parma Tyelca almost immediately, growing a following within his own community quickly before starting to grow the practice beyond


Encouraging extreme devotion, daily worship by Tyelcans was primarily done in solitude through various forms of stationary and active mediation along with small arcane rituals. Followers would typically unite for weekly ceremonies, in which attendees would be called upon to attest their faith and share lessons they've learned on their journey.

Political Influence & Intrigue

It is believed that Maedhros used his influence within Taurétyelca to recruit his partners for the Dagortauré. Today known as the Dark Alliance, all eight members were practitioners of Taurétyelca. Though the motivations behind joining are not known for Maedhros' recruits, it is believed that they were promised significant power under the new order of the Elderwood.


circa 47, TI - circa 3500, 1E

Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Swiftness of the Forest
Leader Title
Related Ethnicities
Tauré means "forest" and tyelca means "swift" – Swiftness of the Forest
"Tyelca" can also imply "cutting" or "sharpness"
*Recorded in written word by Talamus Wynned, the fabled historian of the early Greenwood, this account of the Taurétyelca is built on the oral traditions of the early Greenwood culture, and may not be exact in its detail and information. The closest approximation to the contents of this disputed text are built on cross referencing many interviews with early members of the Greenwood Culture many years after The Separation.   All images other than the Summer Camp 2024 logo were created by the author with Bing Copilot | Designer
"The Separation" Generated with AI ∙ July 3, 2024 at 10:36 AM


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Aug 24, 2024 23:37 by Barron

Wowie! This was a fantastic piece of worldbuilding. You dug real well into the crucial details of this meditative sect! I enjoyed the history section the most! I'd love to hear about some historian quotes on this sect, especially since they have disbanded!

Aug 25, 2024 03:15 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words and detailed feedback! Adding some quotes would be a great way to build more depth, thanks for the suggestion!

Aug 27, 2024 04:46 by Barron

Keep up the great worldbuilding Lebowski

Aug 27, 2024 22:30 by Jeffrey Lebowski

The Dude abides. Thanks Barron!