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Ashkeris is one of the cities along the Firelands Coast, nestled in the shadows of the Mountains of Ash. It has always been prosperous, for the desert surrounding the city is full of Desert Tears, precious gemstones that emerge from strange crystal formations. For the last ten years, it has been ruled by Iyaad al-Masih, the Tyrant of Ashkeris.


The majority of people in Ashkeris are Firelanders, as they have long since absorbed the indigenous people into their blood and culture.


Ashkeris is ruled by its Amir, Iyaad al-Masih, known as the Tyrant of Ashkeris by those who fled his rise to power. The Amir exerts a level of control over the city that is considered extreme, even by the other Umara. For instance, the Tyrant restricts and controls who may gather the Desert Tears around Ashkeris to only his supporters. Illegal gatherers are killed mercilessly. However, those supporters only get richer as the price of Desert Tears rises throughout the Shimmering Sea. Iyaad keeps control through his very loyal and well-rewarded soldiers, who live on the backs of the people of Ashkeris.


Ashkeris was founded some four hundred years ago by refugees fleeing the Mistwalkers during the Age of Storms, building a settlement around a fertile oasis. As they had to protect themselves from raiders, wyrdings, and the nomads from the Firelands, they were forced to build imposing thick walls around the oasis so that their garrison could defend it.   This was not enough to stop the Firelanders when they emerged in force from the Firelands and swept across the Coast. Though Ashkeris held out longer than most, it too fell to the Firelanders, killing the king and nobles of the city and establishing themselves as the new rulers.   Ten years ago, Ashkeris was simply a wealthy and prosperous city ruled by the Ammarid Dynasty of Umara. Iyaad al-Masih emerged from the desert leading a band of highly trained and brutally efficient warriors, cutting Ashkeris off from the support of the other princes. Using his spies, he seized the gates of the city before support could be sent and his cavalry rode through the streets, his archers taking the walls. The city fell and any member of the Ammarids that were present in the city were killed to a man, with one exception...the old Amir's daughter, Zamira, who Iyaad took as his First Concubine. Since then, Iyaad has ruled and defended his city against all attempts to oust him, ruling as a Tyrant over the people.   The day he came to power, the sorcerer-king celebrated a strange rite in the biggest temple of the city, proclaiming himself to be a Chosen of Ulasha, the Worm Who Devours the Sun. During this ceremony, the Tyrant announced that whomsoever dared to raise a hand against him would suffer the terrible curse of Ulasha. Those who braved the curse to end the Tyrant's life were always captured before carrying out their plans, as the Tyrant's spies fill the city.

Points of interest

Arch of the Traitors

An old arch built by some ancient king to celebrate a victory. The Tyrant had several metal hooks set into it so that they could be used to hang thieves and other criminals.  

Bazaar Street

This street is full of stalls, even now. Despite the number of traders, it is quite calm and constantly watched by guards.   

City Gates

Ashkeris has a single gate, wide enough for two carts. It is always watched by the Tyrant's guards.  

The Tyrant's Palace

The Tyrant's palace is an imposing building. The entrance is always watched and patrolled. The Tyrant lives secluded in his palace at nearly all times, allowing only his trusted advisers, followers, and consorts to meet with him privately.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Tears, the City of the Tyrant
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank