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The Firelands is the name for the deserts to the southwest of the Shimmering Sea that stretches to the edge of the Southlands. True to their names, the Firelands are very hot and arid, where fresh water is a precious resource that few are willing to squander, but many will kill over. The Firelanders' culture developed in the harsh dunes and dry rocks of the Firelands, traveling between oases and seeking shelter from the sun in caves as they led their livestock to what few grazing grounds existed. Though the South River was by far the preferable way for trade with the Southlands, the Firelanders still know the desert paths to lead caravans through the dangerous and dry desert.   Kept from the sea by the Mountains of Ash, the Firelands see very little rainfall. There are large swathes of the Firelands where nothing grows and only the hardiest of animals endure. Most of its indigenous life is clustered around seasonal or permanent rivers and watering holes. Much of its wildlife is either nocturnal and has adapted to survive long periods without water.   Although it is considered a single region by foreigners, the natives know that it is very diversified. Its central part is mainly a sandy desert; the sand is deep red and, in some places, so fine that a man can sink into it as if he were in a sea of blood. Only a few nomad tribes live there, mainly herding camels and similar beasts. Life deep in the desert is extremely harsh.   The eastern part of the desert is a rocky, barren land that gradually blends into the Ivory Savanna. It is the most densely populated area because herds of goats and similar beasts can find enough to eat. The nomadic Firelanders and the Ivory Savanna Tribes often compete for watering holes in this region. It is also rich in coal and ore deposits.    The southern part of the desert is the least known. It is a vast, desolate expanse offering some truly peculiar views, such as petrified forests and pools of black tar. Legends speak of places where precious stones are as common as pebbles, but these are often thought to be simply the folk tales of the caravans that travel the well-traversed oases roads to the Southlands. Only a few tribes venture into those parts of the desert, where the oases are few and far between and where it is tainted with dark influences, lingering from the Days of Blood and Shadow.

Localized Phenomena

Part of the reason the Firelands are named as such because of the Mountains of Ash, a volcanic ridge to the west of the Firelands that will erupt in fiery displays, lava running down and ash filling the air. Earthquakes are frequent in the Firelands.

Fauna & Flora

The Firelands might seem totally barren and lifeless to the inexperienced eye, but that is only to those who do not dwell there. There are succulent plants that grow in the western and southern borders of the desert that store water within them, and many animals are adept at harvesting the water from them. In the east, there are brambles that only goats and camels eat. But for short periods, the brambles produce large amounts of juicy thorns that, if gathered while fresh, are tender and palatable. This is a time for feasting, and the Firelanders will bake the Bread of Thorns, which keeps for several months.   There is a black plant, called Madness by the Firelanders, that grows in the southern desert. Horses and camels become mad and must be killed after they eat of this plant. The most famous plant in the desert is the Red Lotus, a parasitic moss that lives in symbiosis with the water-storing plants and is used in many concoctions. A particular type of Lotus found in the desert is the Crystal Lotus, which grows on Desert Tears. This moss is usually no more than a thin layer on the surface of desert crystals. The lotusmasters of the Firelanders say it is a very powerful but unstable substance, because it combines the magic of the Lotus and that of the crystals.    The desert also hosts a variety of beasts, some common, others strange to the people of the Shimmering Sea. There are parts of the desert, especially farther in the south, where many creatures are twisted and mutated.   The Firelanders use both camels and horses, but for those clans who dwell in the central desert especially rely on camels because they need little water comparatively. Foreigners who buy a camel and try to mount it like it was a horse often find that it is quite a different experience and are usually quickly unsaddled by their beasts. This is a common prank, even among the coastal Firelanders, to play on new arrivals. The nomadic clans rely on herds of goat for their meet. The Bramble Goat, recognizable by their short legs, can eat almost any plant, even poisonous herbs, without negative effects. They are also very resistant to snake and scorpion venom. Bramble goat droppings are gathered and dried, then used as fuel in the cold desert nights.    The Sand Viper is no bigger than a man's finger, but its poison is strong enough to kill a horse. The giant Stone Cobra, a twelve-yard-long poisonous snake, can easily crush a human skull with its bite. Luckily, it is rare, and its poison is quite weak. The Firelander nomads also speak of the fabled Snake King, an amazing creature with two heads, so poisonous that it can kill a man merely with its gaze, but no evidence of its existence is recorded.    Other common desert dwellers are scorpions. The Black Stinger is found extensively in the desert. It is as big as a man's hand and its venom is very powerful. The problem is that they are rarely alone. If you find one, a nest of at least fifty specimens is bound to be nearby. The best thing to do is to grab your things and move your camp as far away as possible. The Giant Scorpion is also very dangerous. It is usually the size of a dog, but it can get as big as a pony. The giant scorpion is a fearsome hunter that can also burrow beneath the sands and thanks to its thick carapace, it has absolutely no fear of opponents. There is also the scorpion the Firelanders call the Sand Bitch. It is as big as a cat and a natural hunter. It hides among stones or brambles and shoots a sort of egg full of poison from its tail. The egg is very thin and it bursts when it hits a target, causing paralysis. At this point, the scorpion approaches and starts to eat its prey, which is still alive but paralyzed. Sand Bitches have excellent aim, so the targets are often hit from behind or above. They do not prey on humans, but Firelanders know that they will use this poison on humans in defense, which often causes a severe burning reaction before leaving the affected area numb or even necrotic.    There are jackals in the Firelands as well, the normal and giant varieties.
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