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A new Prince is elected upon the death of the old Prince by the Council of a Jeweled City (with Jade being the exception). They typically do not need any qualifications, only the support of the Merchant Families over their rivals.


The Prince must be from one of the Merchant Families of the Jeweled City over which he rules.


The Council of the Jeweled City will usually elect the Prince behind closed doors. The process for this can sometimes take days or even weeks as they debate on the virtues of the different candidates. Behind the scenes, the Merchant Families work to get whatever leverage they can before the vote is actually cast. After the new Prince is selected, there is usually a parade that goes from the gates of the city to the Prince's palace. For Jade this is a military parade when a new Commander is selected. In Opal, the Prince must also publicly swear to abide by an oath of office and allegiance to Opal, which effectively places restrictions upon his power and cedes authority to the Great Council of Opal. As of late, there is usually a Brother of the Seven Facets there to see the Princes as they are sworn into office.


The Prince is responsible for approving civic projects, managing the city's finances, and negotiating on behalf of the city with foreign powers and merchants. They are also the arbiter of justice of the highest level and have the authority to pardon or condemn any plaintiff, though they rarely will sit in on cases themselves. The Prince is, effectively, an autocrat, but that also comes with all the burdens of leadership.


Due to his position, the Prince of a Jeweled City can often favor his Family's allies and clients when it comes to granting licenses and control over the different trades and markets. However, a prince who is too obvious in his favoritism may risk pushing his rivals to desperation.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

They are removed upon death, and a Prince who has overstepped his boundaries must be careful, for the Merchant Families are experts of poison and cloak and dagger.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Your Excellency
Equates to
Commander for Jade.
Source of Authority
The Merchant Families
Length of Term
Typically for Life
Related Locations