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Pearl was founded following the First Family Wars, when the Merchant Families of Opal and Ruby fought amongst each other for control of the two cities. Those who had lost were forced out and went to the ruins of Beryl and Pearl, restoring the Twin Cities to their glory. Pearl, like Ruby, is on an island and is often used by ships goings east or west along the coast before they pull into the Sea of Jewels, that part of the Shimmering Sea where the Horsetail empties and the between the islands.


Most of the people of Pearl are Gemspeakers, with a smattering of other languages and cultures from its nature as a trade city.


Pearl is a standard Jeweled City, ruled by its Prince and its Council and its Merchant Families controlling almost all of its industry.


The Pearl Guard are well-regarded among the Citizens of the Jeweled Coasts as excellent soldiers, able to fight as well on sea and land. However, as much of their strength is in their fleet, they don't actually have a large standing army, as they will often be sailing along the coast to deter pirates. The fact that Pearl is on an island helps, but the saying goes that "Pearl's walls are its ships." It relies on its navy for its protection.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Lady of Seafoam
Related Ethnicities
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization