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Jungles of Kar'ack

The Jungles of Kar'ack is an enormous tropical forest that marks the eastern border of the known world (not counting the Mistlands and what lies beyond). Nobody has explored it completely, because it is a very dangerous place, with fatal diseases and beasts like snakes and poisonous frogs and sickness-spreading flies of every size and degree of venomousness as only some of the dangers lurking under the trees.   The Great Scar splits the Jungles of Kar'ack, flowing from the Mistlands to the Shimmering Sea. Most of the people who dwell in the Jungles live along the banks of the Great Scar. It is said that during the Days of Blood and Shadow, there were many cities built in the Jungles that are now lost, the only references being names stored in the records of the People of Sun and River, locked away in the great libraries. Since the annexation of Scarmouth, many people have been flocking towards the new Imperial Province, hoping to strike it rich with the resources of the jungle, now that the threat of the Shadowlord is gone.

Fauna & Flora

Nowhere in the Shimmering Sea is there greater biodiversity than in the Jungles of Kar'ack. Fierce competition but plentiful resources and many niches to fill ensure the evolution of all manners of creatures within this region of the world, their features often terrifying and beautiful. The Jungles of Kar'ack are colorful and beautiful, with many different flowering plants, ornately designed insects, birds, and even reptiles, and even the strange otherworldly mutations brought on by the Wyrdwinds. Beneath towering trees that cast great shadows grow rainbows of bright orchids and many different kinds of Lotus, stinking corpse flowers, miles of vines, and fruits of different shapes and colors.   To go into the different animals that call the jungle their home, even on a broad scale, is difficult for there are so many of all sizes and shapes. Often, it is not the large predators like the Jungle Shadow (a large black feline) that will be what kills a man, but a small insect or a worm from a pond. Even some plants can be dangerous, producing oils and toxins that affect the body and minds when ingested. The largest animals of the Jungles of Kar'ack tend to be those that live in or around the Great Scar, where the trees are often not so tightly gathered.


It is thought that the Jungles of Kar'ack might be home to the oldest or first human civilizations, not only for the fact that the People of Sun and River have records that stretch back to the Days of Blood and Shadow, but for the ruins that lie hidden and overgrown in the thick jungle brush. There are tribes of people that dwell near the Mistlands and in the deep reaches of the Jungle that even now are known only through the rare encounter with explorers pushing deep into the jungles who speak languages that seem to be unrelated to any of the known tongues of the Shimmering Sea.
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