Azuth, God of Wizards and Arcane Study in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Azuth, God of Wizards and Arcane Study


Azuth was once a mortal human, but was asended by Mystra, Goddess of Magic and Cosmic Balance. Azuth has come to represent the dogmatic pursuit of arcane excellence and understanding. Those that feel drawn to Azuth, spend their days working towards mastering their expertise.  


Temples devoted to Azuth are almost always centers of rugged research and great discoveries. They consistently attracted curious individuals who sought to fully comphrended and explore the potential of the Arcane . In fact, it is said the first The Academy of Arcanium was originally devoted to Azuth. Eventually, much like the temples of Mystra, Azuth worship consolidated within the Arcanium. However, those researching the arcane outside the walls of the Arcanium still looked to Azuth for inspiration. 
It is said the newly created Diablerie splintered off from the Arcanium because of the clear philosophical difference between the faithful of Mystra and Azuth.   


Azuth was a mortal human, and one of the 1st humans created by Gond, God of Creation, Craft and Terrain . He had a natural affinity for manipulating the arcane. As a result, Mystra selected him as her avatar. Though empowered by his minor godhood, he still felt held back in his pursuit of the manipulating the arcane. Against Mystra's advice, Azuth sought to uncover the unlimited potential of the Arcane. As a result, his physical body was destroyed, replaced by unfiltered arcane energy. Mystra was enraged by this betrayal, and had wanted to revoke Azuth's place as her avatar. However, the Shattering happened soon after, and sensing the need for Azuth in the coming war, he was ascended to full godhood. 
During the Shattering, Azuth let his disatsifaction of Mystra dogma be known and therefore, Cyric came to Azuth hoping to convince him to join their rebellion. However, it was a ruse put forth by Azuth, Savras and Helm, and with the trap sprung, the three deeply wounded Cyric, removing him from the conflict. While the situation may have been a deception, Azuth's feelings were true. Resentment between he and Mystra only grew in the time after the Shattering; but it is clear the two gods need and rely one each other.   


Azuth is represented by the Arcane Wheel. It symbolize the infinate potential of the arcane, and represents an individuals desire to explore all apsects of it.


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