Heleninum Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Great Northern Lands of Heleninum are also known as Terrania’s Bastion. The Empire itself is a coalition of 21 petty kingdoms stretching from the Bay of Fufenia in the west, across the Medialulem Sea to the Spigjyollen Mountains in the east. It is the border north, along the frozen wilderness of the Parnikas Mountains which has contributed most to Heleninums history and culture. The taiga to the north, The Agrios Agnosto has long been an untamed wild, brimming with dangers for civilized folk. The cities along its border have always been the first line of defense for all of Terrania. Yet that connection (and the rumors of vast Feywilds hidden within) to the Agrios Agnosto makes Heleninum what it was and is.  


Empire in name, not in practice. The leader of each petty kingdom nominates a steward to act on its behalf in the Imperial Chamber housed in the fortified city of Tyronopolis. From there, the stewards and the Primigetis (elected by the stewards themselves; currently Calisa Therosia of Myorpolis) dictate the course the Empire takes internationally. Stability is the principal goal Heleninum has historically strived for, as a Helenium in chaos would succumb to the lands of the Agrios Agnosto.  


At the heart of Heleninum culture is the balance of Warfare and Art. Since the dawn of civilization in these lands, its folks have strived for the balance between the profane and serene. Some of Terrania’s greatest hero’s (like Acastus The Great and Tadeus Sheildborn) got their start fighting the wilds streaming from the Agrio Agnosto. Yet, Some of its earliest and more prolific artists once called its cities home (Basil Leander, or Eulalia Kyros). Sculptures, Painters and other artists have sought out the inspiring lands of Heleninum, as the breathtaking landscapes have long been considered Terrania’s greatest muse. Heleninum’s chief export might be bards (to the chagrin of some, I presume). Knosis, Mempythos and Athenera especially house some of the most influential and prolific bards colleges in all of Terrania.  


Heleninum is by far the oldest civilization in Terrania. The Empire may have a founding date of 603 AC, but many cities, like Thesslion, Knosis and Halinarsis, have historical record that go back as far as 827 BC. The current entity is still one of the oldest continuous political structures in Terrania. When the scholarship around the long dead empires of Alessia and Chaminade rebirthed; the first thing researchers did was dig through the dust tomes of Heleninum cities records.   The Empire was formed as a result (like many entities in Terrania) of tremendous ruinous outside pressure. In 598 AC a massive swell of mayhem came pouring out of the The Agrios Agnosto. The border-towns were overwhelmed by hordes of all manner of beasts. Fearing the complete collapse of the northern bastions; a large number of leaders from across the land meet in Athenera. They realized the need for a united front against the incoming flood from the Agrios. As a result, the Council of Athenera elected a Primegentis to coordinate the united front armies. Since the danger was in the north, the Primegentis would lead force from the fortified city of Tyronopolis. Over time, the Heleninum was able to stem the tide, and push the hordes of chaos back into the Agrios Agnosto. Instead of disbanding the united front; the leaders of Heleninum convened once again in Atherena and elected to keep the Primegentis, and expand the seats power. Thus, in 603 AC, the Empire of Heleninum was formalized. The Primegentis would coordinate the defense from the Agrios Agnosto from their bastion in Tyronopolis.   In 1229 AC Pyrhem Wrathbringer ascended to the throne of Myropolis. The Imperial Chamber, unhappy with the brutality he imposed on his holdings, attempted to oust him from power. Their expedition was a complete failure and lead to the Pyrhem's Calamity ; a very destructive period for not only Heleninum but for the Medialulem Sea in general.   While Pyrhem's ravaged the southern coasts, a new threat emerged north, deep within the Agrios Agnosto. In 1245 AC The Imperial Chamber learned of an entity known as the Mountain King. While the Imperial Chamber was at first dismissive of the claims of this so-called king being a major threat, the unravelling of the Invasion of the Mountain King nearly crippled the Empire.
Title: The Empire of Heleninum 
Founded: 603 AC
Captial: Tyronopolis
Ruler: Primigetis - Calisa Therosia of Myorpolis


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