Ruminativity Tradition / Ritual in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The holiday is a eight day period of time built around the last days of Julista that celebrate Lliira, Goddess of Joy . It's known for its bookends that are days filled with joy and merriment, with a period of retrospection in-between.  

The Night Before; Julista 24

On this day, folks are encouraged to celebrate to the fullest and embrace the warmth of not only Lliira's joy, but the beauty and grace of the love between her and Tymora, Goddess of Good & Mis- fortune . But once the clock strikes midnight, the period of solace commences as it represents the parting of Tymora from Lliira's side.  

Julista 25 & 26 : Days of Solace

On these days humanity is encouraged to look deep within one's self. We all have things buried within us that create despair and sadness, and this time is devoted to find the source. Until these aspects are dealt with, Lliira's grace cannot be fully embraced.  

Julista 27 & 28 ; Days of Remembrance

From Shar, Lliira learned that the loss one thing is not the loss of all. Therefore, we should appreciate what we had and will have. This aspect of the holiday can include heading to Temples of Kelemvor, God of Death to acknowledge important individuals who passed on from our plane. Or connecting with important figures from our past who helped or supported us to where we are today.  

Julista 29 and 30 : Days of Thanks

These days are devoted to embracing all the good and joy in our present. We look to our peers and thank them for the love and support they grace us with. Many people have large family gatherings, or give gifts of thanks to others.  

The Last Day Julista 31 : The Jubilation

This day celebrates the return of Tymora to Lliira, and the highest expression of joy. The goodwill built through the week helps everyone indulge in cheeriness, glee and euphoria. Large communal festivals fill cities and towns across Terrania.


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