BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 22

General Summary

22nd Day of Julista

  The party found themselves in the town of Rutzburg; contracted to find the "monster" that had been wreaking havoc along the road towards Reesflinger. The only thing they knew was to seek out the Marshall of the region; Henrich Deltz; so they headed to the local tavern to collect more info. One of the barflies was all too happy to share the local gossip, while later, a couple of chatty-cathey's talked the ear off Sandro. Some said the monster was a giant bird; others a giant bat. It honestly didn't seem like anyone had a clear idea of what was truly terrorizing the road; therefore the party finally sought out Henrich. From him they learned the accounts varied; mostly because the beast attacked at dusk, in low light. Many of the victims were more concerned with cowering in a ditch than trying to figure out what was attacking. However, Henrich did notice a few things. First, the damage done to the carts and caravans was made by conventional weapons; no teeth, talon or claw marks. Also, there were no feather or tuffs of fur; meaning the entity was not a feral animal. Henrich hypothesized it could be bandits. He suggested they talk to a local man named Jarn.   Jarn told them he saw a human with wings and purple flamed eyes. Nobody believed him, but Dirt did. Perplexed and confused, the party decided to seek out more witnesses. However, Sandro noticed a man following them. After failed misdirection, the mysterious man asked if he could talk to the party. He seemed to imply the "monster" was innocent, and after realizing the party wasn't bloodthirsty; he introduced himself as Rudolf, and divulged that he believed the monster was his sister; Rhialla an Ascended Aasimar . She had been working as a mercenary in Primrose but abruptly left the Silver Cuirassiers many months prior. He tracked her journey to Rutzburg, the last place she was seen. He suspected a local man; Bertollz might have something to do with her disappearance. Apparently, he had been stalking her during her time with the Silver Cuirassiers. He asked the party to investigate Bertollz. Without any better leads, the party decided; what the heck. And head over to his home.     A note on his door stated he was "away on business” ; which was basically a welcome sign to Balthazar; who made quick work of the lock. After a bit of snooping they stumbled upon a hidden room filled with angel iconography. Upon the desk they found notes related to Enchantment magic; specifically spells related to command and charm. They also found books about an old Celestial Cult, and a map showing the location of one of their former temples. The party decided they would head out the ruin and see if Bertollz and maybe Rhialla was there.     After a failed attempt at sneaking in the ruin; Bertollz welcomed the party to witness the ushering in of a new regime. Bertollz believed the Aasimar were the true inheritors of our world, and should rule it. He demanded the party submit to HIS love Rhialla; which of course the party denied. A battle soon broke out. Rhialla was a powerful fighter; but the party kept their distance from her as best as they could knowing Rhialla was being controlled. Therefore they focused their attention on Bertollz. He was a decent spellcaster, but proved to be a bit of a dunce (obviously not understanding the effects of the the spells he casted allowing the party to quickly gain the upper hand. With Sandro and Bathazars blades upon his neck, he tried to parlay; offering a share of the power. Sandro deemed him guilty; and sent him to be judged in the next life. This immediately ended his control of Rhialla; who fell to the ground unconscious.     Not too long after the battle Rudolf ran into the ruin, and Henrich soon after. The party explained what had happened and provided the evidence they had found in Bertollz's house. While Henrich still didn't fully understand everything; he agreed to hide Rudolf and Rhialla and let the Princess Monika II of Pruessmount decide what to do next. With the contract completed the party headed back to Pruessmount .
Report Date
24 Feb 2024


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