BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 31

General Summary

29th Julista

We began with where we left off- Sandro inside a wall. He waited throughout the night and early morning for Dyne to return. Dyne eventually did return very early in the morning. Sandro peered upon him to see if there were any signs of nefarious actions the night prior. However, there didn't seem to be any. When Dyne layed down and quickly fell asleep, Sandro snuck out the room, but not before rummaging in Dyne's bag. He found strange devices which he was too naive to understand their purpose, and swiped an interesting icon before sculking back to the apartment.  

30th of Julista

While Sandro and Balthazar awoke and discussed the days plan; Dirt snuck out once again to handle more personal business. He headed to the Central Highstate to pick up the lost trial of Desmond. It didn't take much, but Dirt did talk his way into the guildhouse. He chatted with the Assistant to the Regional Manager and attempted to understand why Desmond was at the guildhouse and where he had gone. Much to his annoyance the Assistant to the Regional Manager either didn't want to divulge the information or might not have known. Before Dirt decided to FORCE the issue, the Assistant suggested Dirt speak with the drow woman they had apprehended during the scuffle the bounty hunter hunting Desmond had previously mentioned. Dirt annoyingly agreed, and headed downstairs. Unsurprisingly he found Kerelei. She had a bit more info but asked Dirt to help her out in exchange for the rest. He finally wrestled out a bit of humility from Kerelei and agreed. The formerly upstanding and principled man struck down the innocent lone guard just doing his lowly work- snatching the key. Dirt freed Kerelei and the two snuck out of the guildhouse via a hidden tunnel. Outside Kerelei told Dirt why she needed revenge on Desmond, and promised to cooperate with Dirt moving forward in THEIR pursuit of Desmond. She knew Desmond was headed to the city of Vandermeir and she would head there to find him. She would relay any relevant info to Dirt, and hoped he would one day find his way to the city to help take down Desmond.   Back at the apartment Sandro showed the strange icon to Balthazar- which he knew what it represented. Along with the strange devices and tools Sandro described, Balthazar figured out Dyne must be a enjoyer of Loviatar, Goddess of Pain, Lust, Torture and probably spent his nights at one the clubs devoted to her. He wasn't a danger to anyone ... who didn't want him to be. Unsure what to do next, the two gentlemen headed out to check the new stock at Weiss Wonderly Wares- where Sandro bought a new cloak. Afterwards they headed over the Modicum in hopes they could pry out who the mysterious 3rd party that bought the stolen object was. They found the organization and its employees intensely stubborn, and no amount of posturing and implied threats could jostle out the truth. That was until Princess Monika II of Pruessmount barged into the Modicum and demanded the org loosen its lips or pay the price. This was effective as the Modicum finally divulged the info- the 3rd party was Anja Lugerritz . The Princess also demanded the Modicum provide a service, free of charge to each of the party members.   On the way back to the Apartment the party finally regrouped. Balthazar's insatiable thirst led him and Sandro to a bar Dirt was surprisingly drinking at. The confrontation between Dirt and Sandro finally sparked, and the two argued about differences in methods, philosophies and the changes in Sandro. The arguments almost came to full blows, but eventually cooler heads prevailed... for now. While neither could fully understand and accept the other, they at least could coexist due to shared goals in the short term future. They headed back to the Apartment and prepared to head out towards Lugencroft .  

31st of Julista

Before heading out Dirt swung by the Pugnadomus one last time to speak with The Superstar. There the Superstar suggested Dirt check out the Tanzensall, where another of the four Masters resided. Next, Dirt and Balthazar linked back up with Bob so Dirt could send him on his next mission- head to Vandermeir and seek out Desmond and Kerelei. With all loose ends wrapped up in Pruessmount - the party boarded a boat bound for the town Tyburg.
Report Date
13 Sep 2024


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