Sune, Goddess of Peace, Love, and Beauty in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Sune, Goddess of Peace, Love, and Beauty


Sune represents the most desirable aspects of humanity; tenderness, cooperation and the family. As a result, she might be one of the most broadly worshipped dieties of the Pantheon. For many, she represents aspects we all find important to life.  


Sune is Terrania’s greatest muse; for art and love. For students of the serene, there is no greater master than Sune. Anyone pursuing the arts will ask for her favor. Through her, folks can come close to the divine, creating objects that fill us with the love Sune has for beauty. She also is a patron of romance. Those filled to the brim with burning passion pray to her so she may guide lovers together. Folks seeking to formalize their devotion to one another do so in front of her image. This usually happens in her Temples, known as the Whitechapels. Her priests and clerics; The Heartswells carry her message of beauty and love into the world around them. They patronize great works of art, promote the haute couture of the day, and fan the flames of passion where they can. Yet, for seemingly all the concentration on outer beauty, the Heartswell focus on the connection between inner purity and love for thyself as being the most important aspect of the pursuit of the serene. You cannot exude the brilliance of Sune’s beauty, until you master your own.  


The birth of Sune into our world is one of the more fascinating of the Pantheon. Her creation was central to a scheme of Shar to weaken Lathander and her twin sister Selune . Using stolen essence of both Lathander and Selune, through the magic of Mystra, Shar created what she believed to be the perfect being; Sune. Using her dark magic, Shar corrupted the Sune, implanting the destructive qualities of pain, lust and obsession. The hope was Sune would distract Lathander, weakening Selune to the point Shar could consume her. In the beginning, the scheme worked as Sune and Lathander began a intense and long courtship. Distracted, Lathanders power wanned, and so did Selune's, but before Shar could exploit the situation, Selune discovered Shar's deception; exposing Shar's deception. Sune was appalled by her unwitting actions, and existence. She violently separated the negative aspects of her existence (thus creating Loviatar) and left the Pantheon to wander the mortal world. During her time with mortals, she learned to love again, becoming the true patron of it. She then spent her existence devoted to teaching humanity the beautiful life; one filled with love, kindness, trust, and commitment. She then returned to The Pantheon as a true deity, beloved by mortals.


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