Varangia Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The pearl of the South is nothing but a distant memory. troubles,  


Since its founding the Varangian Empire has been ruled by an Emperor of the House Rathlandre in Horthmert. The Emperor sits within the Grand Imperial Council as its head, and rules the land with the help of the Grand Magistrates, handpicked by the Emperor for their expertise in certain matters. Adjacent is the Imperial Senate which is filled with representatives from the 462 districts within the Empire. Each representative is selected by the district's local government to act on behalf of it in Horthmert. Additionally, the Emperor appoints Grand Governors who oversee compacts of regional districts. These are almost always generals from the Imperial Grand Armies and have historically been checks on the power of individual districts. The day to day ruling of the Empire is usually carried out by these Grand Governers.  


The stability and prosperity within the empire allowed it to become a bastion of lavish and fulfilling lifestyles. The vibrant cities within are often dazzling with the celebration of the many festivals and holidays Varangian honor. The interior of the Empire is abundant in natural resources. The intricate system of Imperial Roads and river transportation allows for the extraction of those resources in an incredibly efficient and productive manner. These resources are sent to the many port cities dotted along the east and west coasts to be processed into all kinds of manufactured goods. Then they are loaded onto the incredibly complex sea trade network. Varanagia sits at the crossroads of Terranian trade routes. The markets in Varangia have the demand and coin to make imports from all around Terrania lucrative, as well as having the haute couture items which can been exported at a considerable profit. Varangian porcelain, jewelry, silk, fine cloth are the most prized possessions for outside markets to import. But, the hard jungle wood from the Veldt, exceptional spices from the Veldhern Coast, and precious metals from the Zerneble Mountains also find eager buyers both domestically and internationally.


  Kethswan The Great of VarangiaThe Rathlandre Sucession WarKethswan's Great Glory     The Varangian Folly   destabilizedThe Prolonged Night   Rethwess IV of Perthmurn
Title: The Varangian Empire
Established: 973 AC
Capital: Horthmert
Current Ruler: Rethwess IV of Perthmurn 


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