Eephoness: Goddess of Shadow Character in Terras Venrohyun | World Anvil
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Eephoness: Goddess of Shadow

The Goddes of Shadow, Lady of the Night Eephoness

The Goddess of Shadow, Eephoness is one of the six divine God's of the world who holds command over Shadows and Necromancy magic. She, along with the other God's and Goddess's, created the world of Terras Venrohyun, bringing about the night and stars to the sky's of the world. With her divine power, she also brought to the world order and the balance of life and death. Eephoness is a prominent figure in the pantheon as she is said to be the one to escort those who have died to their final resting place in the afterlife.

Divine Domains

Eephoness commands the domain of Shadow, and is is often belleved that Necromancy and Temporal magic is channeled throug her devin powers. While she shares other domains of divine powers with her fellow God's and Goddess's, Eephoness is said to be responsible for maintaing Order, Balance, and Death.

Holy Books & Codes

Eephoness's code is perhaps the most challening to enterpit umong the panthion. Her code is that of bringing order to the world, yet what that means is purly up to indavidual interpitation. Still, her holy text maintain the comminality that creatures of Aberations or monstrositys of unnatrual creation are a danger to the world order and must be delt with. It is also by this view that death is something that should not be mistreated and respected. As such, clarics of the grave serve to make sure that those who have died are forever put to rest and that they are able to pass on to the afterlife free of any malidiction or evil.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eephoness is represented in many ways, but the three most common are as fallows. The first and most common way she is presented is by the Celestial Runic symbol of Shadow surrounded by a ring.
The second is by her physical representation of a Tall adult woman with dark skin, long flowing hair the color of night, a long loos dress covered in stars, and violet eyes. The third is less known to others outside of specific orders of paladins and grave clerics, it is that of a scythe and a depiction of the Sister moons.

Tenets of Faith

Death is something that comes for all in the end. Yet it can also lead to hated and misunderstanding should one use it incorrectly. This is why we seek to bring peace to both the family, and the deceased with the power bested upon us by The Goddess of Shadow.
The followers of Eephoness are seekers of balance, and watchers of the world. Paladins of the Goddess seek out and destroy aberrations, while clerics of the grave bring peace to those who have died and to the family of those who have lost loved ones. While most followers of Eephoness use necromancy in their main form of magic, they are not familiar with illusion and deception type magics as well, for the shadow of the Lady of the Night helps protect those who are in need of it.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Balance of the world must be maintained, even at the cost of the many or the few.
Followers of Eephoness seek to bring or maintain balance to the world. This has a wide definition on what it means to "bring order" but it is very common that they will seek to destroy aberrations and undead created for nefarious or by unnatural means.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eephoness is dipicted as a tall adult woman with long flowing hair the color of night. She is commonly portraid as a Dark elf, but in truth it is unknown if this was a symbolic dipiction of her by her fallowers or a historical dipiction. Regardless her physical dipiction is similar reguardless of who is depicting her and all versions are concidered valid in the eyes of the Church. Like others of the pantion, there are no facial details provided other than her eyes which are said to be a briliant violet color.

Identifying Characteristics

The common iconography use by the followers of Eephoness are of a tall woman with long flowing hair, a long loose dress covered in stars, or the ainceint Assimar sigil of shadow.
Divine Classification
Goddes of Shadow.
Often dipicted as a tall woman with violit eyes and long Flowing hair the color of night.
Said to be Violet
Said to be Long and the color of night
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Said to be Dark like the Dark elves.
Aligned Organization
It is said that Eephoness is responsible for the creation of the The Sister Moons: Naariiel and Azazelthat orbit around the world of Terras Venrohyun. This tale is often told through bards as the "Tale of the Sister Moons".


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