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Hokuto Shinomura

Omo No Kage, Lord of Shadows

H okuto Shinomura came of age at the beginning of the War of the 10 Shoguns He grew up in Kakureta and was quickly conscripted into the conflict. He trained hard, never getting much of a childhood, and quickly became a very capable shinobi. As an adult, he was a mentor to Ishida Tokimune.   A s the war was coming to a close, only two strongmen were left vying for power: the cruel and ruthless Oda Miyamoto, and the principled, righteous shogun Hattori Hanzo. Hanzo brokered a deal with the Kakureta shinobi, and offered them protection and concessions if he won the war. The shinobi debated it for some time, but in the end decided to back him. Hokuto himself led the final mission to assassinate Miyamoto. Among his squad was Ishida, as well as Ishida's new wife Shizue. While Ishida stayed back to create the illusory landscape that would hide Hokuto’s strike team, Shizue’s medical knowledge necessitated her being in the forward team. She tragically perished as they retreated, blocking a deadly volley of arrows meant for Hokuto. Hokuto never forgave himself for the death of such a fine young woman, but The 10 Shogun War finally concluded. Its victor -First Emperor, Hattori Hanzo- bequeathed Hokuto the title of Omo No Kage , a title that Ishida intended to obtain. Ishida never forgave his mentor for these transgressions, and tried to lead a coup d'etat against him. He was foiled, after a direct confrontation with Hokuto. Ishida left Hokuto with a nasty brow scar, but was otherwise incapacitated. Many called for Ishida’s death. But Hokuto could not do it to the boy. So he exiled him from the village, never to return.   In the wake of The Night of A Thousand Devils, Hokuto disappeared, returning 25 years later, to aid the 5 Shinobi in their fight against the same forces that Ishida released so long ago.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Omo no Kage, Lord of Shadows, Lord Kage
Date of Birth
22nd of Horse
Year of Birth
352 MT 67 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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