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Isles of Hokkai
The archipeligo that comprises the island kingdom of Hokkai
Kakureta Forest is the home of the Hokkaidan Shinobi Corps. These shadowy warriors are unknown to all but a select few of the Hokkaidan nobility, as their methods are anathema to the traditional Hokkaidan military doctrine of Bushido. Their village is hidden away in a remote forest, protected by all manner of magical wards and mundane traps, and patrolled by shinobi rangers. The official story regarding the woods is that they are a nature preserve, but there are only a few people who believe this to be the whole truth. There are many rumors about the forest surrounding Kakureta: many believe that it is the site of a great massacre, where the ghosts of angry samurai still yet cling to the mortal realm. Some believe that the forest itself is alive, and the very plants and animals themselves wish to keep out any unwanted visitors. Few will admit that they believe the fores tis home to demons, who will capture and kill any who step into their woods in a horiffic manner. A select handful know the truth, however: Kakureta is perhaps the best tactical asset the Hokkaidan military possesses, as they are capable of doing- and willing to do- the things that an "honorable" samurai would deem unseemely or impossible.


Kakureta forest is a temperate foreste conssiting partially of maple, oak and gingko trees. The trees are densely packed, never having been logged by the Hare clan's foresters. This is of course deliberate, to allow the shinobi myriad branches and treetops to traverse unseen, as well as less sunlight, allowing for many of the illusory traps and misdirections to perform better. It has a river running through it, providing fresh water to the residents. To the west, Mount Songoku can be seen, and to the east, the foothills of the Kanamori Mountains. To its north, the Numachi Swamps, and to the south, the southern coast of Hokkai.

Localized Phenomena

The forests are often plagued by thick fogs, and many people who venture into the woods find themselves turned around, exiting from the same spot they came in, or perhaps slightly north or south of it. This has helped the garner a supernatural reputation among ronin, woodsmen, and others who live in untamed wilds.


The forest is well-insulated, but it experiences much the same weather as the rest of the midland area.

Fauna & Flora

There are myriad animals in the woods, helping to bolster the narrative that Kakureta is an imperial nature preserve. Deer and elk dominate the undergrowth areas, though the briars are also home to wild hare and fox populations. Many species of beetle and cicada take up residence on and in the bark of the myriad trees, feeding the several species of sparrow and woodpecker that can also be found here. In the canopy, several species of raptor make their nest, as well as troops of monkeys brachiating across the highways of branches criss-crossing the treetops.
Alternative Name(s)
Forest of Death, Darkwood
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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