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The Jade Guardians

The Jade Guardians are the emperor's own bodyguards, who rally to his side in the event that his rule is threatened in any way. Comprised of a champion from each of the six clans of Hokkai, the Jade Guardians are a highly elite team of legendary samurai and shugenja from across Hokkai that protect the Jade Throne, and whomever sits upon it.



There are six Jade Guardians:  
  • Yuhira Isawari, of the Phoenix Clan
  • Akitsami Yasakuro, of the Heron Clan
  • Ogamura Inoji, of the Boar Clan
  • Sazuma Kuremoto, of the Sparrow Clan
  • Katami Chirako, of the Hare Clan
  • Muya Hanasaki, of the Crab Clan


Though each Jade Champion fights with the weapons and armor style that their clan is famed for, the colors of the unit are vibrant greens with gold accents.


The Guardians answer to the Emperor alone. Any decisions they make as a group are made as equals, and their individual decisions are their own.


The Jade Guardians were formed shortly after the rise of Emperor Hattori Hanzo to the throne, after an attempt on the newly-crowned emperor's life by ronin from one of the many clans dissolved at the end of The War of 10 Shoguns. The imperial court believed that though the war might be won, the emperor's life could still be threatened by agitators, and thus the Jade Guardians were born. This position was offered to the first generation of champions from the six clans of Hokkai, and all but one accepted- Satuo Kuremoto. He had seen enough war, and wished to retire to a life of quiet, not the hustle and bustle of Tengoku Castle. Hanzo agreed to this request of his longtime friend and mentor, and sent him to the imperial forest of Kakureta, to live out his final years in peace.
16th of the Hare, 390
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles


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Aug 17, 2024 20:31 by Marjorie Ariel

This seems like a good way of uniting the clans and the emperor. Since they each use the weapons and style of their clan, I think they would be amazing to watch.