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The Sons of Haku

The cadre of Kanamori samurai who defend Kokei-Sho.



500 soldiers, and the village that surrounds the garrison .


Towards the end of The War of 10 Shoguns, when the final remainders of Hanzo’s enemies banded together to assault his position on the eastern Tengoku province, they marched through a narrow pass of the as-yet-unnamed Kanamori mountains. It was here that Haku, a young orphan Shugenja in service to Hanzo, made her last stand: She lured the marching armies into a box canyon, and when she was sure they were all funneled in, collapsed the canyon with her earth magic, dropping massive boulders into the pass. Though she was also lost in the spectacle, she was able to halt the advance of the rebellious lords. Haku’s sacrifice was noted, and after the war ended, Hanzo’s men unblocked the passage, and used the fallen stones to create a statue of the cleric who gave her life to help secure a peaceful nation. Since Haku had no family, the emperor named the pass after her, so that even though she had no one to carry on her name and legacy, the nation of Hokkai would never forget her sacrifice. Since the pass lies in Kanamori lands, the Kanamori often claim Haku as one of their own, furthering their devotion to the empire, and their clout at the royal courts: the samurai who guard Haku’s Pass have imaginatively dubbed themselves “the Sons of Haku,” in an attempt to connect their clan with the heroic figure whose statue marks the final border between the imperial province and the rest of the kingdom.
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