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The Boar Clan

The clan which controls the Kanamori Mountain passes, and oversees Hanzo's Way, the major trade road across the kingdom. Comprised mainly of the Kanamori and Inoji families, as well as their myriad vassal and peasant families.


Tthe Daimyo of the Boar Clan is Kazumasa Kanamori, Hiro's uncle. He is the steward of the Jozojo sake distillery, and spends much of his day concerned with running the business. The military checkpoint of Kokei-Sho is run by the middle Kanamori brother, Noritaka. Noritaka's family lives at the compound, and he is the commander of the Sons of Haku. The youngest brother, Yoritomo, is the official ambassador to the imperial province of Tengoku.


The Boar are rougher around the edges than the rest of the imperial houses. Being geographically isolated from many of the other clans, they don't have much occasion to put on airs and participate in the courtly rituals and politics of the other houses. Kokei-sho, their clan keep, is much more military than other Clan holdings, since Kokei-sho functions as a checkpoint on Hanzo's Way. As the last major Clan keep before the imperial city, the Boar take their duty as guardians of the emperor very seriously. They have a reputation among the Heron as utter savages and barbarians, but the Boar don't pay the Heron much mind, and they regard the Heron coolly. They have good relations with the Crab and Hare clans.

Public Agenda

The Boar are very insular, and don't really interact much with the rest of the kingdom. They don't have much desire to interact with the other Houses, or to climb the ladder of imperial clout and court prestige. They take their role as the final gatehouse before the imperial castle very seriously, however, and guard their roads ferociously against ronin and invaders. It is largely thanks to the Boar that the Laozi invaders have not reached the imperial castle town.


The Boar clan are stewards of the imperial highways, and take great pride in their maintenance. Additionally, they control much of the kindom's mineral deposits and mines, as well as a large sake distillery, known throught the kingdom for its fine quality.


Comprised of the Kanamori and Inoji families, as well as myriad vassal families. The Boar clan was incorporated at the close of the War of Ten Shoguns, by the newly-crowned emperor Hattori Hanzo. For their efforts holding the mountain passes and preventing the rebellious lords from attacking Hanzo's position in the Tengoku Plains, the Boar clan was given control of the imperial roads which run through their lands. Their estates are situated along the trade routes of the Kanamori Mountains, from Rojigo Village at the westernmost foothills, to Haku’s Pass in the east, named after a hero of the empire.   Towards the end of the 10 Shogun War, when the final remainders of Hanzo’s enemies banded together to assault his position on the eastern Tengoku province, they marched through the pass. A young orphan Shugenja in service to Hanzo made her last stand here: She lured the marching armies into box canyon, and when she was sure they were all funneled in, collapsed the canyon with her earth magic, dropping massive boulders into the pass. Though she was also lost in the spectacle, she was able to halt the advance of the rebellious lords. Haku’s sacrifice was noted, and after the war ended, Hanzo’s men unblocked the passage, and used the fallen stones to create a statue of the cleric who gave her life to help secure a peaceful nation. Since Haku had no family, the emperor named the pass after her, so that even though she had no one to carry on her name and legacy, the nation of Hokkai would never forget her sacrifice. Since the pass lies in Kanamori lands, the Kanamori often claim Haku as one of their own: the samurai who guard Haku’s Pass have imaginatively dubbed themselves “the Sons of Haku,” in an attempt to connect their clan with the heroic figure whose statue marks the final point before heading out into the imperial province.   Since then, Haku’s Pass has become a major thoroughfare and trade route from the westernmost part of the empire to the easternmost. The steep, cliff-like nature of Hokkai’s eastern coast makes it impossible for the imperial palace to be visited by sea, with Port Minato being the only real port of call in the kingdom. Thus, Haku’s Pass is a vital trade route, and vigorously defended by the Boar clan.
Founding Date
1 CE
Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under The Boar Clan

Character flag image: by fijnbeest


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