Azor's Magical Emporium

In one of the wealthier districts of a large city, a small, but elegant tudor-style building with lattice windows and a stout iron door stands on one of the busiest corners of the streets. Above the door, the wood is engraved. No matter what language a character reads, the words are easily read by potential customers. It states “Azor’s Magical Emporium” and the doors open as the characters approach.

As the doors open, your senses are assailed with exotic aromas from distant lands and the sight of book-lined shelves and strange objects all around the shop. A strange but imposing man stands behind a glass case. The case is filled with a variety of magical items. Different magical implements are hanging on the wall behind him. Set into the same wall, above the implements, scrolls, and items, an elaborate fish tank is alive with colorful and vibrant fish. An engraved wooden sign is above the tank. It says in bold capital letters:

He clutches a gold-shod staff with a skull motif while he squints to examine you. After a short pause, he greets you with a nod, “What can I help you find?”
Shop, Magic
Parent Location


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