
More than one legendary adventure has started in one of the many taverns of Tamalir, the largest and wealthiest of the Free Cities. It is said that every inhabitant has a story to tell of seeing some warrior or mage before their name became enshrined in history. This is not by chance, for Tamalir has always had a special place in the history of Terrinoth. It was the first city to be granted independence—through a charter granted by King Daqan himself—as well as the seat of the Elder Kings during their reign. Its prime location along the Flametail River has long made it a locus of trade for all of Terrinoth as well as a destination for migrants. All roads lead to Tamalir, and its people are proud of their heritage and prominence.

Its dominion extends to encompass nearly the whole of Blackwing Swamp and Red Bridge, a famous crossing known for its gambling and rowdiness. The finest inns, the grandest playhouses, and the most skilled artisans of most every craft and art call Tamalir their home, and there is little that cannot be found in its seemingly endless shops and bazaars. Should the substantial militia not be enough for Tamalir’s defense, its leaders can call upon the vast swaths of adventurers and sell-swords who frequent the city’s back alleys and guild halls to have an army ready to fight in mere hours.

As Tamalir is the largest city in Terrinoth, trade dominates nearly every aspect of life there. The flow of coin is the lifeblood of the city and surrounding countryside, and as such, its leaders are intimately connected to its business interests. Rather than being led by a mayor or other easily swayed ruler, Tamalir is governed by a council of Guildmasters, each considered an equal to the others in every respect. Ruthless, cunning, and utterly dedicated to the well-being of their guilds and the city as a whole, they vie with each other to provide huge public works and extravagant fairs to promote their own guilds in the court of public opinion.

Today, Tamalir is still in a state of recovery. Devastated in both the Second and Third Darknesses, Tamalir is a city built upon bones, upon the ashes and headstones of generations past. Many of Tamalir's buildings are relatively new, constructed only within the last few centuries, and the city has yet to fully reach its previous majesty. Despite the destruction, though, it remains the preeminent location for making contacts, outfitting expeditions, and learning of events in faraway lands. For anyone claiming to be an adventurer, Tamalir is likely their home away from home, where they rest and recover before once again venturing into the lost ruins and forgotten catacombs of Terrinoth.


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