Edy's Elixirs

Edy is an experienced alchemist and runs this shop to sell her wares, living in the quarters above the store.

This rather ramshackle 2-story shop stands in an otherwise affluent part of town. Exotic bottles and strange, arcane components are visible in the store’s windows. A strange scent (neither pleasant or unpleasant) drifts on the breeze out of the open door. Try as you might, you simply can’t place it. It is likely a mix of different scents from the ingredients within the shop.


Edy’s sells all manner of alchemy needs including finished potions. Edy carries most of the potions available on page of the 102 of the REALMS OF TERRINOTH sourcebook. GMs with access to the ADVENTURES IN ALCHEMY supplement have a wealth of additional options for potions Edy may have in stock (some of these are listed below). In addition, Edy carries a wide variety of components for alchemical mixtures. While the aforementioned supplement lists a lot of these, some of her more commonly carried wares are listed below (though there are MANY others):

Shop, Generic
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