Tamalir Plot

Tim might call for a stop in Tamalir, to check on his Father and deliver the prospective Bag of Holding. Asgeir may nyx it if he remembers the thieves from his backstory are out to get him.

Plot points/Scenes

There are a ton of nifty stores in Tamalir (pulled from Enticing Establishments) and all of them tie back to the Heroes' backstories.

  • Azor's Magical Emporium is actually run by Tim's dad, Azor Timmarion.
  • Bartleby's is run by an old friend of Asgeir's from when he was in the Ship Rats street gang.
  • Edy's Elixirs is actually unrelated to the characters but serves as a distraction for Dain.
  • Related Locations


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