The Ashen Hills Plot

Basic Premise

Heroes delve into a dark and forbidding tomb lying forgotten in the hills, The Tomb of the Prince of Flames. The tomb leads into a small complex of rooms, a mausoleum of a lost lineage dating back to the Dragon Wars.




  • Stories of dragonkin flying into or out of the Ashen Hills.
  • Witnesses describe a creature like the Burninator.
  • Too many stories for it to be glossed over easily.
  • Attacks on merchants with a strange frequency in a very small area.
  • Attackers are taking things, not just attacking.
  • Items taken include: Food, potable water, weapons, and tools.
  • Only merchants targeted are the ones going into Otrin.
  • Stakes

    This is a chance to confront and possibly finish off the Burninator before the guy can do more damage.




  • Dark Cultists
  • Reanimates
  • Kobolds
  • Trogdor
  • Scauldron
  • Plot type
    Dungeon Crawl
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