Edge Dancers

The Elves of Terusha possess a rich pantheon of heroes and warriors, though The Artist stands above as the Patron deity of the Elves. The Edge Dancers value creativity and protection of the elven nations.


The Edge Dancers are more of a greater education in art. One advances through the ranks based on mastery of one or more areas of art.    
Title Honorific Insignia
Grand Master Grace
Master Maestro Master Instrument/Tool
Graduate Graduate Peweter Pipes
Student Student Instrument/Tool

Divine Origins

When the Elves left the Empire, they were attacked by the wilds of Terusha. As with all desperation, they turned to their gods, but no help came. Some said it was because the Eight were trying to test them, others abandoned the Eight altogether.
As the Elves created a new home for themselves, they were devastated by sickness and predators, they refused to return to the Empire. With their leaders dead, a humble artist rose to lead them. His name has been lost to time, which is not the only There is an argument over whether he was a dancer, a painter or a musician, even whether he was a high elf or a wild elf. But he became a hero of his people, venturing between the nations, uniting and inspiring them. His most notable accomplishment was that he established relations with the fey and the dragons. When the Rot attacked in the Spring Wood, it was he who saved them.
Upon his death, he ascended to Godhood and became The Artist, First God of the Elves. The Edge Dancers were formed shortly after to further his beliefs.

Tenets of Faith

Edgedancers believe in free expression and creativity. The Elves are to express themselves in any way that does not harm society. Many choose music or architecture or craftsmanship, or the ultimate expression: magic.
Though Elves are very long-lived, though it is only through creativity can one become truly immortal.
There are a great many differences in worship based on kingdom, for example ice sculpting is considered a great honor in Lossdor, whereas Fire Dancing is idealized in Erynaella. The wild elves incorporate several animals into their worship, though the high elves tend to incorporate more abstract ideas.


Edge Dancers must protect the Elven nation and never wage war upon each other. Destroying Art is considered a great sin, and community is encouraged to strengthen and empower each other’s art.
Art has a very loose definition to the Dancers: paintings, sculptures, music, poetry, magic, and theatre are considered art, as is architecture, combat, agriculture, and all forms of craftsmanship.


Edge Dancers are expected to devote themselves to their art and pursue it at all available opportunities. Impeding one's art is considered taboo at best and sinful at worst. Pursuit of one's art is considered noble and worthy of the afterlife.

Granted Divine Powers

Edge Dancers have access to the War, Arcana or Nature domains. High Elves tend to take the War domain, while Wild Elves prefer the Nature domain.

All the World is a Stage

Religious, Organised Religion
Common Sayings:
  • All the World is a Stage
  • Art is Sacred
Colors: Red and Gold


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