Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard is a legion of powered champions from throughout the Final Empire who act as enforcers of Imperial law.
The Guard are the Emperor's Own and do not require an assembly or meetings to be sent out. Often, troublesome rebellions are met with the powerful devastation of the Imperial Guard. The Grand Rebellion of the Ilvin Hills are unaware that many members of the Imperial Guard are attempting to pressure the Praetor to request the Emperor to dispatch them.
Despite various backgrounds, all members possess the White Armor of the Imperial Guard, though only 13 of the current members use it in battle.


Each member of the Imperial Guard is dispatched from a different Earldom. The stories of the members of the Guard are told to children across the Empire. Membership is open to highborn and lowborn alike, thought it is rare for the lowborn to gain entry. Entry is highly sought after, though, lords almost never appoint firstborns, as the Guard forsake all titles and claims.
At most, there are 22 members of the Guard, including the Knight Commander.

Knight Commander Kallark, The Gladiator of Sands
From the Crown, Boris "The Belly" Blount
From the Corellia, Barristan the Bold Selmy
From the Dathomir, Michael Mertyn, "The White Owl"
From the Umbara, Kate Steele, The Lady in White
From the Tines, Blade Smith Balric Holland
From the Mist, Gwayne the Green Gaunt
From the Thunder, Aldan the Oracle Velaryon
From the Ivy, Braden the Stormling
From the Gold, James Werner, the Holy
From the Shadows, Red Robert Preston
From the Port, Wevran the Weaver Bayne
From the Stone, Davrik "Songblade" Falwell
From the Lakers, Merrick the Merry Flowers
From the Brewers, Oswell Whent the Weak
From the Hillers, Allistar the Steelthorn Thorne
From the Reachers, Arys Oakheart, the Dragonslayer
From the Shields, Charlette Shadowstep Hewett
From the Agrans, Gerold "Old Guard" Hightower
From the Sun, Syndara Ruskyn, the Half-Man
From the Aurellian, "Mad" Asham Uller
From the Northshore, Arthur Dayne, Sword of the Morning

Imperial Guard Oath of Allegiance The is the Imperial Guard's oath of allegiance to the Final Empire: "I will not bow, and I will not break. From the rising of the suns to the setting of the stars. With The Eight to guide me, I will serve out the term of my duty with courage and conviction, for it is the greatest honor any being of any land can know to be allowed to guard the Final Empire and stand, each of us, as a light in the darkness. So I make my oath of allegiance."

I will not bow, and I will not break.

Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members


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