Order of Claws

The Order of Claws actively attack the Final Empire. They are not content with the followers of the Beastlord hiding from the Empire, they will strike back.


The Claws maintain the old structure, though there is little organization between leaders and subordinates.
Rank Honorific Insignia
Marshall Marshall Gold Pin (Tree)
Master Master Silver Pin (Eye)
Warden Warden Brass Pin (Shield)


The Order of Claws believe in the protection of animals and the "dishonorable" killing of animals is punishable by death. All parts of an animal must be used. The Order has become more desperate in recent years and their once-valued beliefs have fallen by the wayside, they have become the savage killers the Empire has painted them as.


The Order of Claws is an off-shoot of the Order of Fangs. They came from members who were not content to wait until the Empire came to them, rather they would take the fight to the Empire.
  This has resulted in some friction with the Order of Fangs, but are still recognized as brothers.
18 years ago, the Order of Claws was betrayed from within. The location of their base camp was discovered and Legionnaires wiped out over 1,000 members. Since then, the Claws have become increasingly desperate to win a war that they refuse to admit they are losing.
Illicit, Terrorist group
Training Level

Regular Allies

Open War


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