
The king of this honorable kingdom walks in the human form of an old man while being in reality a Gold Dragon. The populace is happy being ruled over by gold dragons, especially most of the nobility, which over time became one of the noblest and knightly in the Old World. The kingdom works closely with Oxantia, seeing their honorable ways very compatible with their own.  


The duchies of Grandeur Inland were almost always at war during the Fifth Age, Current Age, without a clear winner. Everything changed after The Second Divergence. Mysteriously, the leaders gained new advisors, who were able to quell the thirst for conflict. After two decades of hard work, they were able to make the duchies sign peace treaties and upon that momentous occasion, the advisors revealed themselves to be Gold Dragons. They sought to unite the affected people as they went through many hardships long ago, it wasn't worth it to throw it all away. When they were about to leave, the people stopped them and confronted them. The kings and peasants didn't want the dragons to leave. They were able to convince a few of them to stay, while the rest flew away. Over the next couple of years, they united the duchies and founded the kingdom of Albersberg, which became of the noblest and knightly kingdom in the Old World. Those who follow the code of chivalry are very likely to come from this nation.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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