
The gnomish city-state of Quadropolis (or Quadropoli) is rife with legends and stories about its beginnings, even the citizens aren't sure which origin is the true one. This doesn't stop their innovation and as the Reinvigorators of Arcanum (which isn't completely true) they seek to break the boundaries, bringing back lost technology (see Magitech) like airships, Arcanesuits and many more.


Mostly gnomes, about 80 to 90 percent, and in that there's about 20-30 percent of Mechagnomes, while the rest are mostly Rock Gnomes.


Led by a Mechagnome called Orryn Quillsharpener, who saved the city in the past during an event called "The Disaster." After him there exists a council made out of every guildmaster in the city, they are the ruling class.


Through the usage of Magitech, the city is well defended and guarded against all kinds of foul magic. Many believe that the gods themselves didn't know about the city existence thanks to gnomish technology.


Uncalculable amounts of Magitech, Golems and more.


Nobody really knows the true origins of the city. Most would point to an event called "The Disaster" that happened thousands of years ago (or tens of thousands), when the city was on a brink of collapse. If you believe the First World Theory, then the city of Quadropolis existed in the First World as the technological marvel that brought many new inventions to the world. When the world was breaking apart, the city was struck with a massive earthquake and their Grand Inventor evacuated all of the population to a place called Perpetum Machinarium (which there was a just a demiplane). The people were saved and the city drifted in the Void until they were able to find a new world, a new Tethys. If you don't believe the First World theory, the gnomes from Quadropolis existed in the void as a spacefaring race, which crashlanded just after the Second Age, Godswar. Both scenarios continue on the same path, only the moment of "The Disaster" differs among the gnomes. After being on Tethys, they founded a city among the mists called Quadropolis, on the Islands of Fog. As these parts were treacherous even for the gnomes, they were hidden for millennia. As their mechanical nature could bring downfall to themselves, as many would not understand why they chose to be mostly mechanical, they brought back the "old" versions of themselves - Rock Gnomes and Forest Gnomes. They used them as spies near the end of the Third Age, Kingdoms and worked in secret with the Archadian Empire. Some scholars believe that it was these gnomes that revealed the secrets of Magitech to the upstart kingdom. When the Fourth Age, The Calamity, they retreated back to their city, very few spies would be sent out after that. Only after The Second Divergence  the city revealed itself to the world. Even after forty years, it is seen with a mixture of awe and distrust but nobody can deny that in those short decades, the city revived the world-wide airship lines and brought back many of the Magitech marvels.
Alternative Name(s)
Quadropoli, Reinvigorators of Arcanum, New Arcanum, "That Gnomish City", City of Fog
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Reinvigorators, Quadropolians
Characters in Location


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