
Being of Evil

Many believe the creature known as Asmodian was created just after theĀ First Gods created the Cube. Others speak of a legend that happened before the Titan War. It is when the Grey Wastes were known as the Rivers of Plenty, where Demons and Devils competed for resources, even when there was enough for both. They fought. They gambled. They bartered. It was due to this strife that Asmodian awakened or it was something more sinister. When an Archdevil (named Asmodeus) confronted a Demon Lord (of unknown name) and died, cursing the other one in his last breaths. It was at that moment that these beings merged into one, now calling himself Asmodian. Whichever is true, the next event is the same for both. Asmodian decided that this strife doesn't bring anything to them, that they squander resources granted to them and so he destroyed the lands of Rivers of Plenty. Rivers of pure, magical water, turned into ash and soot. Lava and magma poured out on the land. Everything burned to the ground. Everything turned grey. At that moment, Asmodian announced that the war has just begun, that if one of the sides will win, he will join them, to the end of time. The creature might be more powerful than an Archdevil or a Demon Lord, however, the most precious thing he has is the ability to change the Grey Wastes back to the abundant in resource lands. If that happens, if this creature joins the ranks of Devils or Demons, changes the land, grants them unlimited resources, the other will have no other choice but to bow down and the planes themselves will see a war that's better unspoken. Asmodian cares only for conflict, for war and combat, for intrigue and backstabbing. He cares little for mortals if even he cares at all. He is also credited for creating theYugoloth race of fiends, however, that is disputed. It would give weight to the theory that Asmodian wants a neverending war.
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