First Gods Organization in Tethys | World Anvil

First Gods

The First Gods are a small group of gods that were active during the First Age, The Titan War. They came from The Void, battling many monsters along the way to find a new home, choosing Tethys, just after it was created by the Titans. The Gods weren't willing to have creatures rival their powers, so they fought against the Titans. When the last Titan was imprisoned, more Gods appeared and the Second Age, Godswar started. The Firsts Gods are regarded today by many as the saviors or those that wanted to enslave mortals, depending on what source you listen to. For the most time, they were treated as invaders that defeated the Titans in the Titan War. Many believe that the better side won in that conflict as the Second Age, Godswar was a terrible moment in mortal history, as well as Fourth Age, The Calamity, where the Gods defended mortals from Icons, Will of Titans. However, a new theory would rise up to change the perspective of some.

First World Theory

After Zemvoj and The Second Divergence some started to believe in the First World Theory, where the First Gods were heroes of the previous world. When it was destroyed, they needed to rebuild it. However, when they did, their powers weakened and with it, Titans appeared. The Titan War was a war of survival, only one could be left standing. The Gods created the world that the aggressive Titans inhabited. The Gods only took what was rightfully theirs.


Religious, Other


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