First Age, The Titan War Myth in Tethys | World Anvil

First Age, The Titan War


  The Titan War was a horrible conflict. The legends are contradictory about what happened at that time but the main actors are known - the First Gods and the Titans. Their battle would reshape the lands and start a series of events, changing the lives of the common folk for millennia to come. While many speculate why it happened or who made the first strike, it is now known that not everything went according to plan and this was the intervention of two Titans, Atlas known as the Betrayer and Chronos known as the Father of Time. Atlas almost succeeded in his betrayal, if not the other gods were able to see through his deception quickly and react just when it happened. While they were able to defeat many of the Titan, killing some, others imprisoned (historians speculate that a Titan or two might have escaped), the coming of Chronos changed everything. His actions are known only when he appeared a second time in The Second Divergence as the collective memory of his first appearance, The First Divergence, was wiped from history. It is unknown what changes he made the first time but whatever they were, a massive timeline scramble opened the gates to the Material Plane, many other gods appeared, and the Second Age, Godswar dawned.

Creation of the Cube

Unknown Period of Time

Start of the First Age (1st Age, The Titan War), where The First Gods create Tethys and the Titans are born. The war was unavoidable.

  • When Time Started
    Creation of Tethys

    Nobody knows when Tethys, the world, was born. And the question, who was the real creator, still stands. Was it The Titans or The First Gods?

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  • Before the Titan War
    Start of the Blood War

    Demon and Devil being their all out war against each other.

    Grey Wastes
    More reading
    Blood War
    Additional timelines
  • Before the Titan War
    Creation of Races
    Life, Birth

    The Titans create the known races and creatures of Tethys.

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Titan War

A period of tens or even hundreds of thousands of years

  • -11011 T.W.E.

    First Murder

    The Titan War truly begins, when The First Gods aim their weapons against the Titans. First to make a move is the Translusent Traveler, who shoots at the God-Killer but The Diplomat intervienes, trying to stop the conflict before it has begun. Unfortunetly, he is incinerated and the other Titans retreat, while the God-Killer is imprisoned.

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  • -11010 T.W.E.

    Striking a Peace

    The First Gods are able to convince Elohim and The Elder that peace isn't a foreign concept and both parties can strive for it. Both Titans stop their war effort and work on convincing the other titans that they better sue for peace.

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  • -11009 T.W.E.

    Undeath Doesn't Rise

    God of Death and Undeath, Vecna tries to create his own race on Tethys but is stopped in his tracks by the other Titans. Those undead that do rise are horrid abominations that hide in the bowels of the earth.

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  • -11008 T.W.E.

    Death of True Neutrality

    The First Gods kill the God-Killer in his prison, sparking anger in many Titans. Those convinced to peace - The Elder and Elohim retreat to never be seen again.

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  • -11007 T.W.E.

    The Great Battle

    A great battle ensues between The First Gods and the Titans, creating a huge rift between lands. During this moment The Leader/Warrior sacrifices himself, so the other Titans can deal a devastating blow to the Gods, who are forced to retreat for a long period of time.

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  • -11006 T.W.E.

    Atlas is Revealed

    Atlas hid from the Titan War before it even began and offers his services to The First Gods. Marked by many as the Betrayer Titan, he awaits the moment the Gods must use his knowledge to win the war.

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  • -11005 T.W.E.

    Clash of Plans

    The Sunlord tries his best to convince the lonely titan Patient One to submit, however, the titan is master of planning and sees what is going on in the land. Denounces the Sunlord arguing that while he comes to him, his allies steal their mortals by extending the worship to death and magic, increasing the domain of the Gods tenfold.

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  • -11004 T.W.E.

    The Quiet Mountain Summit

    The First Gods try their best to convince the Titans to surrender but alas some aren't convinced. During the talks, Patient One and All-Father strike against the gods, only to be surprised that the Dragon Mother and Great Mother aren't helping them. Outnumbered, the two Titans are imprisoned, while the rest scatter.

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  • -11003 T.W.E.

    Sun's Diversion

    During the Titan War, the Sunlord uses his powers to blacken the skies of non-believers, showing his mastery of the life-giving sun rays. Many flock to worship him, denying the Titans their numbers.

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  • -11002 T.W.E.

    Forge of Lies
    Military action

    The First Gods try to imprison Father of the Forge in a trapped volcano, however, the titan Caretaker intevienes by flooding it with seawater.

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  • -11001 T.W.E.

    Vecna's Deal

    Due to the amount of Titans, Vecna enlists the help of Atlas to kill the Titans: the Father of the Forge and the Caretaker.

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  • After Vecna's Deal
    Betrayal of Atlas

    Atlas showed his true nature and betrayed the Gods, seriously wounding them. His ultimate plan failed.

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  • -10500 T.W.E.

    -10500 T.W.E.

    Imprisonment of Atlas

    The Gods united and chained Atlas into the planet's north pole. There he holds the weight of the celestial bodies.

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  • After Atlas' Imprisonment
    The First Divergence
    Era beginning/end

    The Titan Chronos appeared, everybody - God and Titan alike, didn't remember his disappearance in the first place and they would forget it again. His kin was either slaughtered or imprisoned, in anger he used his powers to create the Divergence. Where all would forget about the First World and that the The First Gods were the heroes. This would shape the world in a new timeline. This event in itself would be forgotten until Chronos' return in the Fifth Age, Current Age.

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