
The nation and island is the center of the Tortle race. It is here they were born and it is here where they go to die. The country has little political relations with other nations, even with other island nations. Those that exist are mainly for small trade and transportation, as well as non-aggression pacts. The Tortles want to left alone, thus nobody except for the members of their race is allowed entry.  


Bintulu is also the name for the island as the Tortle live here in peace. They've been here since the Second Age, Godswar as the island moves every hundred years couple of kilometers as it isn't really an island. Long ago, the Old Shell tried to save his mentor, who was a Dragon Turtle. His body fell into the ocean and Old Shell wept for his master. His tears turning the turtles around his body into the Tortle race. At least, that's what the inhabitants of the island believe. There is some truth to it as the island is a mysterious and magical place and it indeed moves over time. Researchers during the end of the Third Age, Kingdoms were allowed entry and revealed that some of the crust of the island indicates that it has shell-like properties while defying gravity due to the sheer mass of the island, that it should connect to the ocean's floor but doesn't. To the shock of many, the island disappeared during the Fourth Age, The Calamity and only repeated after the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, thus cementing the legend as true. The island itself now is forbidden for those outside the Tortle race, while at the same being the focal point of their culture, religion, and destiny as all old Tortles go on to sleep on the shores of the island, becoming part of it. Some sailors say they see the cliffs being full of shells.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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