Old Shell

The god of turtles is also the god of monks. He found many worshippers, outside those in the Tortle race, as many see his inner peace as very appealing to them. His clerics seem to be pacifists but it rarely is true, they just do not seek conflict with others and try diplomacy first.  


The god of the Tortle came to the world during the Second Age, Godswar with his mentor, M'beku, a Dragon Turtle God. However, during the Godswar, his master was killed and created the Bintulu island. Old Shell stayed on the island since then and didn't participate in the war, keeping his race safe from dangers. During the Third Age, Kingdoms, he would join the Elder Pantheon more as a nod to his former mentor than he ruled over a long-living race. His attitude of being in harmony brought many Monks to worship him as their patron. It is strange he never advanced to become a Greater Deity, as he has the most Portfolios out of all Intermediate Deities.  


  • Do not push yourself, you have time to plan
  • Seek inner peace, as it will open your eyes
  • Learn from the common turtle, his path is long and yours will be too
  • Relationships with other Gods

    He is on friendly terms with many gods, not only those in the Elder Pantheon. Many come to seek his advice as he seems to be as wise as the Wise One. Fortunetly for him, the Chromatic Alliance doesn't see him as a threat, thus his religion was able to exist in Sailan.  

    Cleric Domains



    Monks, Tortles, Turtles, Dragon Turtles, Harmony, Peace  


    None, Intermediate Deity  


    True Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Intermediate Deity
    Divine Classification
    Intermediate Deity
    Aligned Organization


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