Conduit of Prime

The conduit is formed by being in the center of the Elemental Planes. As one of the Existence Planes, the Prime is the prime building block of the cosmos. It grants the ability to form planes, dimensions and more. It is connected to the Life Spark but only a few know its true nature. The conduit fuels Creation and Life into the Life Spark, creating a force that allows the Material Plane to exist and many more. With the Prime, the Gods have a more difficult time influencing the world but their connection exists in The Gods Plane. Also, at the edges there is the Fugue Plane, where the last connections a soul can have before going to the Afterlife. There is one more hidden place, outside of reach of every known being and maybe forever locked, called the Spark of Prime (Well of Prime, Well of Life Spark, many names). It is theorized that Life Spark exists there in its purest form and if somebody could access it, at least a little, they could create continents, their own planes, not just demiplanes, and new races.
Dimensional plane


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