Fugue Plane

Conduits: Prime, Free Will

The Fugue Plane exists on the boundaries of Conduit of Divinity and between Conduit of Free Will and Conduit of Prime. No Gods, except for one, can enter the plane but can still send their agents. The chosen god is the Judge that will pass judgment onto souls of the dead. For many millennia, this was Vecna but even then, he chose to do other duties and the plane really needed a dedicated god. When Vecna lost his bid to become the Overgod, his portfolio of Death was taken and given to a mortal that became the new judge - Last Judge. The plane has grayish tones, even the City of Judgment, the only structures in the plane, doesn't have defining colors.

Soul's Judgement

Once a mortal dies, his soul goes to the Fugue Plane, where he awaits judgment. It takes about 1d10 days until he will have his time to shine. Those that made an impact on the world, be them kings, heroes or villains, can have their time shortened to a couple of hours up to 24 hours. Before the judgment comes, the soul participates in the Jury of Peers, where they help the Judge decide where a soul will go after death. They are presented with accomplishments, failures, and deeds of the dead, who's patron they served and his dogma. Their job is to decide if the soul served their god well, if they followed their dogma and if they deserve to rest in the Afterlife. If the Jury of Peers finds a soul not worthy, which might happen after a Hero or Villain died just moments after killing hundreds of opposite people, his soul is passed for Afterlife. If they are undecided, the Judge makes the final judgment. There are exceptions to the process, when dealing with Kings, Clerics, Paladins and Chosen of a Deity. They go past the Jury of Peers and are judged by the Judge himself. Those that were false in their faith, blasphemed against gods or similar, might find themselves judged more harshly. Not only they will have no chance for Afterlife, but they will also be either sent to the Celestials or Fiends to be punished for their deeds.   When a soul was deemed worthy, they have 24 hours until they decided to go to the Afterlife. Until then they can be bought to the planes' wars, be it by Celestials or Fiends. Those that were deemed unworthy have no other choice but to join in the wars. Lawful Good Celestials and Devils work in the courts, asking/buying for votes to gain souls. They will Soul Barter with each other to gain the souls they want, as the planes' wars need combatants, always. While those work by the letter of Law, Chaotic Good Celestials and Demons work differently. They will try to kidnap souls from the Fugue Plane. CG Celestials will go after those that were deemed unworthy or before their judgment and try to convince them to join them. While Demons just straight kidnap souls.
Dimensional plane


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