Life Spark

The Life Spark, Magic of Creation. Many believe it is the power of Life, others that it might be Creation. Some think it is a holy combination. The real deal is that the Life Spark is actually the building block of the cosmos. It cannot exist without the divine connection between the elemental fabric, that's why those that are correct, have it on their cosmology maps in the center of the Elemental Planes. They create the Prime force of existence that allows Creation and Life to exist (as well as their counterparts). It can create worlds, planes, and lives. However, it lacks the ability to create Free Will as it is just a vessel for it.

First World Theory

The First World Theory speaks about the time a creature came to their world, called Mother of All Dragons (some connect her to the Dragon Mother, God). She had the Life Spark, a power so unique to their world, and she used it to create her kin, granting her powers to her first creation - The Red Dragon King, who in turn created the Dwarves, that would later turn on him. Life Spark would be a continuous debate among the magical scholars about its abilities and if constant strife corrupted it, as later, the All-Father (some connect him to All-Father, God) used his powers to create creatures like Orcs, Goblins and similar and then they rebelled against him. In the end, it is said that Life Spark was the key to defeat an ancient evil and save the world when their darkest hour came.

On Tethys

On Tethys, the Life Spark in its pure form is an extreme rarity. Otherwise, it can be found in magical items, Etherite, creatures and as common stuff as rocks. It is everywhere. ???


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