Crown's Shadow

Once these lands were settled by the Divine Empire during the Third Age, Kingdoms as they were ripe for the taking. Being behind the Limul-torish Mountains and their allied dwarven kingdoms, meant that this region "rarely" saw the light of the empire, so it was named the Crown's Shadow. This in time was given another meaning as near the end of the Third Age, a new empire arose - Archadian Empire, which dominated the arcane arts to an incredible degree, outstripping the Divine Empire by miles. They needed something to combat the Archadians in case of a war, so the Divine Empire asked the Duchies of the region, which were ruled by magic users anyway, to start working on secret experiments. These experiments were discovered but too soon as the Fourth Age, The Calamity happened and they were released. The masters of these monsters were killed by their creations and after the fall of the Iconian Empire this region was abandoned. Even the dwarves didn't venture much to the northeast of their mountains, fearing that only death is on the horizon. This changed in the Fifth Age, Current Age, after the Post-Calamity Era, when the reborn Divine Empire sent out expeditions and found that a new nation was born - Gollubash, a kingdom of monsters. These creatures now rule the Crown's Shadow as a constant reminder of the horrible experimentation the Divine Empire was willing to take to be the only superpower on the planet.


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