Dragon Mother, God

Mistaken by mere mortal beings as the Titan Dragon Mother, however, in the Draconic language, both as spelled and written differently. The Dragon Mother (God) is said to be the primordial being of all dragons, creator of all things living.  


The Dragon Mother appeared to the dragon species during the Second Age, Godswar, when Xirlatix, Blue Prophet, a blue dragon searched for answers to the dilemma of the war. He was given a vision by the Dragon Mother and from then on spread her word. This created a rift between the dragons, as mainly the metallic ones worshipped the Gilded Hand and other Dragon gods that appeared during this age. A major conflict was about to erupt but was stopped in its tracks by the Dragon gods, beseeching their followers to end any hostilities. While it would work, the animosity between the metallic and chromatic dragons would only deepen over time. The Dragon Mother (God) from that point was spoken as a creator god, that seeds new worlds with life.


  • Nurture life as it will bring more with it. Do not allow it to falter.
  • Even the smallest beings are worthy and in time might become something even greater. Seek them out and guide them.
  • Plan ahead. Years are nothing, mere grains of sand in a desert.
  • Relationships with other Gods

    There's rarely any communication with the Dragon Mother (God). Only the dragon gods speak as they talk to them and sometimes her followers receive visions. In time, she would become the enemy of everything that seeks to destroy life.  

    Cleric Domains



    None, Cosmic Deity  


    None, Cosmic Deity  


    None, Cosmic Deity  

    Known Aspects

    None, Cosmic Deity
    Divine Classification
    Cosmic God
    Current Location


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