Hoppan Glacier

The most northern parts of Sailan were empty for centuries, even during the Third Age, Kingdoms as it was a nice place for White Dragons and their offspring only. In time, the dragons understood that, if they want any challenge, their prey must be challenging as well. Using their connections to the Jadeite Empire, they experimented a lot until found the ideal and strong prey that not could live in this region but survive and prosper. Werebears, these Shifters were named Hengeyokai by their hunters and hunted down for centuries, until the Fourth Age, The Calamity. Suddenly the place was quiet. The white dragons were sparse if any in the region, allowing the shifters to repopulate the land. Over the coming centuries, they were able to not only establish many cities but also trade and kingdom of their own. Krasnoyar which is actually named after an explorer from Mordavia, who brought with him many tools and ideas. He was later betrayed and eaten, of course.


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