Jadeite Empire

Once the strongest and oldest empire in existence, the Jadeite Empire was thought to be lost not so long ago. It wasn't until the coming of a new Heavenly Emperor called Emperor Magmos that most of the lands of Sailan were reunited under his rule. Hundreds of years of conflict needed to stop and reconstruction has started, many lost vassals returning to the fold, even the dragons themselves. The country is known for reverence to all dragonkind and their hierarchy shows it.


The empire is ruled by the Heavenly Emperor, who has supreme authority overall, even the dragons themselves. Only the Jade Emperor can overrule his wishes. Then the Dragons rule over the lands, most of them having lairs all around Sailan. Those that rule over towns or more is called the Draco-Shi, while non-dragon rulers are called Shi. Under the dragons are the Dragonborn, who can have any role in the country except for merchants. Most work as assistants and craftsmen, other would-be rulers, advisors, or even generals. Half-dragons have a special place in the hierarchy, as they only work as soldiers or advisors, never allowed to touch anything else, except for magic. Humans and other races, even kobolds, are delegated to be farmers or merchants. Most becoming the former and are the only ones allowed to be of the merchant class as it is seen undragonlike to peddle money.


Dragons are revered in the country and only Dragon deities are worshipped. Many strive to serve a dragon personally as it is seen as the highest position a non-dragon could achieve, even if they rule over a town. However, even if the laws are made to work for the dragons, this isn't extended to the dragonborn or half-dragons, they are seen as equal (even if socially they aren't) under the law.


The idea for the empire showed up during the Second Age, Godswar, when various dragons fought against the Elves in The Elder War, but the empire formed when the Heavenly Emperor appeared and began the Following the Dragon's Tail, which reunited the continent of Sailan under his rule, a feat that took a thousand years. Many dragons didn't wanted to be ruled over by another dragon, so they had to be forced. After that came an era of peace, that didn't last long, since the Era of Rediscovery started and contact was made with the Old World starting the Dragonswar, a deadly conflict that the Heavenly Emperor was winning until the Rain of Sand, which devastated the farms of the Sailan and created a major rift between the people. Revolts were an ongoing event. When the Jadeite Empire was able to rise again, building the Sacred Wall and rebuilding what was lost, their enemies rose to an even bigger power called the Divine Empire, which would be foolish to fight. Instead, they choose to isolate themselves and this only increased the rift, as the Archadian Empire rose to power quickly and become unstoppable, making the dragons even more envious. Plots began to brew, the Heavenly Emperor was the target of many such attacks. While his enemies were killed during the Fourth Age, The Calamity, many thought the Jadeite Empire had the right moment to strike. It wasn't so. The Heavenly Emperor was killed, when the Icon Titan Wyrm appeared and subjugated the dragons and the people. The Empire had fallen and was unable to rise again for centuries. Many dynasties would appear and fall, while the dragons fight among themselves for control, nobody really stood firm on the emperor's seat. That was until The Second Divergence happened and a new dragon appeared in the court. Using his immense powers and magical skills, he was able to overwhelm many contenders and became the Emperor Magmos. In just a couple of decades, he reunited half of the continent.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Heavenly Empire, Jade Empire, Dragon Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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