
The new nation of Kograth has only one ambition - become the richest of them all. While real Devils rule the land, they only care about wealth. The richer you are, the more rights you have and the more influence you will get. Only those that prosper count. The nation has a sour relationship with its parent nation of Mephistia, while the others see them as an unique trading partner.  


The nation of Mephistia in the Purgatory Coast is no better example that fiends will always be fiends. Tyranny is in their blood. However, sometimes it slips through. This was the case with a merchant called Orduvel, who was secretly a Devil. He worked in the shadows, getting deals done left and right. When people couldn't pay, he would take their lands or houses as an investment. Over nearly half a century, Orduvel tricked so many people, that once it was the time to pay, he owned several villages and towns, with a major port in Mephistia. Of course, the leadership disagreed and sent out an army to meet with him, only to have the locals fight the army for him. While this was happening, apparently Orduvel wasn't the only Devil doing this, as a couple more Devils did the same exact thing and when the small conflict broke out, more villages and towns declared to be sold out. In just about a couple of years, Mephistia lost a fifth of their nation to a secret cabal of Devils, who worked for the Archdevil Mammon. The leaders were threatened to not continue the war as this might not end well, while the Devils would call for aid from the Hellish Spire, thus they obliged to concede on these terms and allowed the nation of Kograth to exist. While they are a fresh, young face in Arakhor, they are quickly becoming the face of all of the coinage in the continent. Many greedy or business-minded Tieflings would join this country in its simple goal - get rich.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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