
Whenever people outside of Arakhor speak about the evils of Tieflings, they can always point to Mephistia. The hierarchy of the country matches the devil one in the Hellish Spire. One king chosen among six houses of Mephistia, in turn each house grows in strength like their Archdevil (or Duke of Hell) patrons do. The country is considered the strongest of all on the continent and has many allies (as well as enemies). Some countries outside the continent bar access to those coming from the Mephistia, fearing that they might bring their cults with them. This is rarely the case, however, as the people of Mephistia see Arakhor as their home and Arakhor comes first, before anything else. They rarely spread their cults around, the exception being trade and mercenaries.  


Mephistia is truly the history of Tieflings and Arakhor. While the country existed in different forms throughout the ages, its recent reincarnations show that the race and the continent will never get rid of its fiendish influence. After the end of the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, a large group of devil worshipers conspired together to gain influence in the Purgatory Coast region. Many ports and towns were separated due to the calamity and deaths from hunger, this allowed the cults to infiltrate independently every scrap of land they could. In just a generation or two, they were in control of a major part of the region. Later, they would sign the Hell Accord in which the foundations of their new kingdom were set. Over the decades, they were able to gain more land, taking control of smaller nations or city-states. While everything went good for the nobility over the two centuries, a major schism would lead to a civil war. Real devils of the Archdevil Mammon tricked many mortals in their country to give up their material wealth (mainly land), granting the devils claim on nearly a quarter of their kingdom. The House of Mammon was suspected of aiding the devils, so they were hunted down and prosecuted. After years of torture, it became clear that they didn't know anything about and were innocent. The rest of the houses did not seek vengeance (at least not publicly) for what has happened, so after many bloody battles, they came to an agreement with the new kingdom of Kograth. They would agree to them having those lands, in turn, the House of Mammon would be stripped of all material possessions as long as the kingdom of Kograth exists. This would "balance" the powers between the houses and their patrons or at least that's what they hoped. Mephistia is still growing stronger, even with House of Mammon being the poorest one of all. If they want to retake their lands, they will need new allies and two prospects came up lately - the war with the Sailan colonies of Wu Xia and San Xiu, as well as the returning Shadow Elves of Veilishaar.
Geopolitical, Theocracy


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